So Why Weren't The Police Able To Respond To A Call Of Someone Being Raped?....

in #new6 years ago (edited)


Evidently the police had to be called in to control a crowd and a man who refused to cooperate after being arrested for interfering with police. The police were called to a location near a bar called Stella's on reports of a stabbing. While the extra man power called in to assist in this investigation, arrest and crowd control left a defenseless woman pleading for help she was being raped to which it took the neighbors not the police to respond to.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- A cell phone video shows what some say are aggressive actions by Grand Rapids Police outside a popular bar this weekend. Police say the video is only part of a very chaotic scene.

My first call of a woman screaming was called in at 2:24 a.m., minutes after the event near the bar.

It was a flurry of lights and noise outside Stella's Lounge early Sunday morning as police tried to investigate a stabbing and control the crowd. GRPD says they responded to the 2 a.m. call to find a crowd of more than 100 people, claiming some attempted to interfere with first responders.

If you read comments on the social media accounts where the video was posted it makes it sound like a case of police brutality....

Where was this at
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike This was at Stella’s
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh He was black??
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Yes
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh It’s GRPD for ya
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh It’s all good and dandy when you’re white but god forbid you be black in this city and the time they covered the drunk driving accident when that former prosecutor injured some one and that was all over the news the time they were looking for a white woman and held an 11 year old black female in her own back yard at gun point and let’s not forget the twelve year old black kids that made it on world star cause they held them at gun point for shit that had nothing to do with them 🙄
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh They are scantlous as fuck
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Raja Arumai Singh that’s crazy man ion why police think they can just
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh They don’t give af they did a study and the GRPD pulls over more black people than anything else that’s all off of facts
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh POLICE THE POLICE ✊🏼
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Raja Arumai Singh can’t trust them mf at all every time something going with the police 👮 I got my phone ready not finna shoot or beat up on me
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh Fr fr
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh Them little 12 year olds in the hood that shit hurt my feelings then boys cried because they knew one wrong move and they may never get back up and that shit kills me that children that young have to be that scared for their life
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Raja Arumai Singh yea I had saw that video I put the video on on the fox 17 page still ain’t say nothing bout it but can talk about everything else shit sad
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh It’s is they saying that guy stabbed some body
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh But I’m jus tryna figure out why it’s so many black people at Stella’s 😂 that whack ass bar the burgers 🍔 A1 but people speculate how they want and FoX ain’t shit send it to 13 and 8!
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Raja Arumai Singh
Image may contain: 1 person, text
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh So that wasn’t the person who stabbed the two people
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Raja Arumai Singh nope sure wasn’t
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh People were saying on another video that it was
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Nah if it was they would’ve been put it out on the news
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Raja Arumai Singh cause I just check it again nothing new popping up
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh Yeah the news ain’t shit and this isn’t a objectively reasonable standard the force they used made me question what was GRPD doing prior to this or any of the videos they didn’t arrest just him and if he wasn’t involved I’m confused the news 8 made it seem very unclear why people were coming from other bars and clubs to stellas after a stabbing and why was arresting this guy even their major concern people are nosy and they gather when they hear sirens
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Raja Arumai Singh ig he wasn’t following they directions Nd that might’ve been his homeboy that got into that incident not sure 🤔 but dude was going off
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Raja Arumai Singh they ain’t had to use that all that kinda force on someone
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh Zactly I ageee
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh Agree**
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Raja Arumai Singh
Raja Arumai Singh Lba Mike I’m loving all the reactions to my comments I feel internet famous 😂😂😂
Like · 12h
Sasha Fiercee
Sasha Fiercee damn! he was already on the ground and they were fucking hm up smh
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Lba Mike
Lba Mike Yea they don’t give af about nobody
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When the media tells the story....

Ten minutes after backup was called, four people had been arrested for allegedly resisting or trying to harm >officers. The arrest of a 24-year-old man was captured on video and posted online. In the video, several officers >are seen restraining the man while one officer can be seen punching him.

Grand Rapids Police say in a lengthy statement posted Monday on its Facebook page that the man in the video >was arrested after allegedly charging at police while they were arresting a 21-year-old woman. The woman was >accused of attempting to punch an officer, police said.

When clicking on the link and watching the video remember it's the police that are out of control, though it wasn't them that originally congregated in a crowd of a hundred people whereas someone took it upon themselves to stab a couple people. Some in the crowd apparently thought they just showed up wanting to be victims themselves and tried to make them such.

Meanwhile a few miles down the road a woman screams as she lays defenseless against a would be rapist because, apparently some in a unruly crowd of a hundred people thought the police would rather be abused by them then trying to rescue a woman in distress. It didn't quite work out that way for the officers involved, that the man got took down and the woman was saved by neighbors.


Are you from Michigan?


Me too. We should have a Michigan Steem fest someday. :) lol

Soon as I make my first hundred thousand I'll get a hold of you...but please don't hold your breath waiting.

Yeah it might be a year or two. lol Ideally I'd like Steem to hit $1,000 on my day #1,000 and if I have 1,000 steem then I will be a millionaire. :) lol

I hope your right ..... hopefully someone higher up on the Steem latter is taking steps to create some commercials. I think aggressive marketing is all it would take to make this p lace explode.

I think a higher price would also help a lot. Even at $2 I bet things would really pick up on here.

I think a $2 price will help with activity on the site with current and past members but imo wouldn't bring in the sign ups and investors a commercial would.

I guess everybody has to have their dream.

the police have an impossible job in many cases, they can't be everywhere at once.

Are you insulting my intelligence or just trying to make quota for comments.

I guess that answered the question.

howdy sunlit7..yes Ma'am this looks like it was just bad timing and no one's fault if almost all the police were called to that bar, a crowd of 100 people is a riot in the making so the few police would need backup.

But it did sound like the officers were overzealous and that seems to happen way too much. Alot of them in Ohio were real bullies.

But can you imagine what would happen if the stuff really hit the fan and there was no law enforcement on call even for a few days?

No law enforcement or a overwhelmed law enforcement is why we still need the protection of the second amendment to bear arms, in all out anarchy it would be those who have arms to head to the streets.

I am not saving there are no bullies when it comes to the cops, I firmly believe some become cops because they are on a power trip rather than wanting to serve the public. What's really overzealous about this whole situation is people taking it upon themselves to be assholes and create further havoc unrelated to the event upon which they were called to....that was to save people's lives. I can still picture it like the day it happened when I was a young child my uncle Jack (my moms brother) coming over to kick my dads ass after he got into a dispute with my mom. He was a huge man, especially compared to my dad but it took eight cops with bully clubs and spraying mace in his face to take him to the ground just to handcuff him . Now a days I am not even sure cops are allowed to use clubs on you, he took quite the beating, I am sure he felt pretty beat up by the experience. Your talking a man of that size it isn't a game where cops get to size someone up to them and hope that person comes out the winner, the object is to do the job with the least amount of harm to those willing to put themselves in harms ways to deal with assholes. I will call it what it is when it's wrong but in this case it doesn't appear that way.

oh I totally agree with you, you're absolutely right, it's just too bad that other people, the majority it seems, don't understand what we do.
I guess nowadays they would have tasered your Uncle with about 5 tazers to take him down instead of clubs.

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