Introducing the Rage MonstersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #new8 years ago (edited)

Hey yall! I have been thinking of starting a new series of steemit rants titled "Rage Monster". Over the years i have managed to make many people laugh with my angry rants on Facebook, so i figured why not make it official ad turn it into a recurring feature on my steemit page? I LOVE a good rant, it is a great way to get out all of your aggression, and if some people find it funny, then why the hell not??? Hope you enjoy!!!

Rage monster episode 1: @#$%^@#$%^&GOD DAMN FUCKING BEER COMMERCIALS @#$%^&*...

You know what annoys the bloody piss out of me? Beer commercials...

I am probably not the first person to rant about this, but dammit i have some negative shit to drop and here it comes! These commercials are always drenched in generic "coolness"... The music is always some soulless piece of pop garbage that sounds EXACTLY like the last pile of pop garbage that preceded it. The people are all obnoxiously pretty to look at, like a bunch of big phony Barbie and Ken dolls. Last but not least, they want you to think that drinking beer is is not turns you into a blithering idiot... Beer commercials are a tremendous steaming pile of horse turds. They makes me grit my teeth and curl my fists in disgust and anger.

Fuck beer commercials and the people who make them...


I like nothing better than a good rant, I have a few things I would like to get of my chest lol

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