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in #new8 years ago

hi everyone. im parker. im 24 years old and im an ancap. i want to abolish statism, but i think that a slow steady dismantlement of statism will be better because people will be more acclemated to gradual change. i want to succeed from the union. i currently live in washington state and i dont know exactly how i should go about accomplishing such a goal. if you have any ideas on that please let me know. at any rate i think this is a cool site and i look forward to meeting more like minded people.


maybe your right skeptic. at any rate we both agree on the fact that the government at the very least needs to be downsized at most needs to be abolished alltogether at the most

Hi welcome to steemit. Glad to have you with the community.
when you say "a slow steady dismantlement" are you talking one state at a time or all states at once but over a gradual period of time?

im not entirly sure. some states are more autoritarian than others, so naturally the more authoritarian states will take longer to disolve. case in point, new york and california. other more libritarian states (new hampshire) will be the first to become free of government.

what about the idea of just going back to the whole republic of states where we all follow the constution but each state makes its own rules as long as they don't infringe on the constitution?
i think Washington leaving would be one of the lasts just because of the amount of milltary here and the strategic location for defending the continental usa. same with cali and west coast too. i do agree that a lot has to do with the regressives pushing for more government and less freedoms. so it would have to be the libritarian states to push it.

on another note, do you have a huge population of new muslims where you live in Washington? i am amazed how many are in the area i live now. we have a muslim butchery even. :O atleast pork has dropped a lot in price here tho. lol

well skeptic, you do make some interesting points. i must say a post shays rebellion style government would be more ideal in scope and size, but you have to remember that even the founding fathers were incapable and unwilling to follow there own constitution that they wrote and signed. ill give you an example. the founders waged a bloody war from 1775 (war was offically declared in 1776) until about 1783 over a 2 cent tax on tea. george washington, then president of the united states then turned around and lead the regular line infantry into battle against rebels who refused to pay a 3 cent tax on whiskey. john adams, the second president of the united stated signed the alien and sedition act into law which grossly violated the peoples rights to free speech. all those userpations are in a span of 12 years. so although i see where you are going and agree that we need to get that point it is by no mean the end goal, but rather a jumping off point for the next leg in the race for freedom. there are two options here, none of which are mutually exclusive. each state can become more libritarian over time by having a gradually decreasing state government. the other option is all out seccesion. both can work. what say you?

i think the best way would be to just do it quickly so you don't get tricked into staying like bexit. i don't think the people in power would alow it to happen anyways. i feel they will get there way one way or another. we already know the government will kill any person that stands in the wa of government taking all the land. look what happened in with the ranchers recently trying to top the government from taking peoples farm land and killing cattle. murdered in cold blood on video so all of America could watch. the message was clear to me. the government has no problem killing people if it thinks it can get away with it in the long run. i gotta sleep! 4am. lol

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