Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Most commonly the substance is the dried leaves of the tobacco plant which have been rolled into a small square of rice paper to create a small, round cylinder called a "cigarette".
Smokers often report that cigarettes help relieve feelings of stress ...many poeple feeling of stress who smoking agin and agin
cause brain damage and death .
Smoking can make bones weak
Heart and circulation
#The immune system protect the body againts infection and diseases
Smoking is casue by cancer
Smoking can cause bad breath
Gum diseases
Damge to the sence taste
lungs cancer .
Type of smoker
active smoker and passive smoker
Tobacoo kills one person every six second
Smoking is slow motion suicide plzz stop smoking every body who smoking take care yourself
Don't smoke tabacoo..