Supernatural Adventures with Erin and Teddy

in #new7 years ago (edited)

Supernatural Adventures with Erin and Teddy

Chapter 1
“Time’s running out!” someone shouted from the crowd, and it was. With just over a minute left something had to give. Only the winner would advance. A tie would knock both teams out of the playoffs. The South Baltimore Knights were visiting the Violetville Dolphins. A Knights midfielder sent a strong pass to her forward. The forward kicked the ball at the Dolphins goal. Rebecca dove and caught the ball and the crowd cheered. Rebecca saw Erin in a fast break and fired the ball downfield to her. Erin took the ball in stride and sprinted by her defender. It was one on one with the goalie. The goalie charged and dove for the ball. Erin pooched it over her head and it rolled in for a goal. The referee blasted his whistle 3 times and the game was over. The Dolphins won! The crowd cheered and clapped as the teams shook hands.
“Good game Dolphins! You just won the Division!” said Coach Rosa. “That means we made the playoffs! I’m proud of all of you. Since we have another game next week we’ll have a practice Thursday at 2:30. We’ll play the Cardinals here, at


home, Saturday at 1:00. This week the game ball goes to Katie for her 2 early goals. Great job Katie!”
“Good job Katie!” cheered the team.
“Alright girls see you Thursday and have a good time at the dance,” said Coach Rosa.
Teddy ran over to his sister, “Nice goal Erin! You kicked the game winner! I think you should have the game ball.”
“Thanks! That was fun but Katie gave us a good lead. I’m just glad we won,” Erin replied.
“That was a terrific game! Do you want to go out and celebrate?” asked their Mom.
“Yeah! Lets go to the Ice Cream Cottage!” said Teddy.
“No, we can’t, the dance starts in an hour and I have to get ready,” said Erin.
“We can get the ice cream to go. That won’t take to long,” said Teddy.
“To go is a good idea. There is always time for ice cream, right,” said Mom
“Ok, but I want a double scoop,” laughed Erin.
“Me too,” laughed Teddy.
Back at home Teddy was in his room using his computer. He was finishing a program that


would optimize teacher and parent communication online. His mother, who is a computer scientist, taught him basic programming when he was younger. Now in middle school Teddy has college level programming skills. He frequently receives invitations to attend “gifted student” programs from schools like Johns Hopkins. The Mayors Office and the Board of Education send letters of congratulations for his placement test scores. He is a handsome boy with a beautiful smile. He has dark hair like his Dad and auburn eyes like his Mom. He is shy and sweet. He is introverted but to those he lets in he is a great friend. He has a good sense of humor and a kind heart. He is learning to play the piano and he likes math and science.
“Erin are you ready? We’re going to be late,” called Teddy.
“Yes I’m ready. I’ll be down in a minute,” said Erin. Up in her room listening to music she was getting ready for the dance. She loves music and hopes to be a professional singer. She has sung on stage for people at least a half dozen times. Once she and Katie sang The National Anthem to start professional basketball game. She has a nice voice. Erin loves to play soccer and other sports. She is social and smart. She is beautiful with auburn hair and eyes just like her Mom. She has a great smile with dimples on both


sides. She likes history and art. She has tried various instruments and her favorite to date is the cell phone. She can out text almost anyone.
She finished her hair and looked herself over in the mirror. She smiled and said, “Sure, I’d love to dance. This is one of my favorite songs.” She laughed and walked downstairs to the kitchen.
“Erin you look wonderful. Are you going to have dinner here?” asked Mom.
“No thank you, their selling food and drinks at the dance. When is Dad going to be here?” said Erin.
“He is going to be another hour so you can wait for him or walk,” replied Mom.
“We’ll just walk,” said Erin. “It’s not far and the dance is stating.”
“Ok but I want you to call when you get there and call when it’s over so I can watch for you,” said Mom.
“Ok I will. I love you,” said Erin.
“I love you too. Do you have enough money?” asked Mom.
“Yes we have enough. Erin has $20.00 and I have $22.00 and the tickets cost $5.00 so we have plenty. See you later Mom, I love you,” said Teddy


“I love you too. Be careful and have fun,” said Mom.
Erin and Teddy left the house and started walking up the sidewalk. It was late afternoon and dusk was setting in. It had been getting dark sooner each night. The autumn air was cool but comfortable.
“So is Aidan going to be there?” asked Teddy
“I think so, he told Katie to tell me he was going,” said Erin.
“Is he the one you like best?” asked Teddy.
“He’s ok but I also like Cory a little. I don’t know. What about you? Did you ask Sara?” asked Erin.
“Yeah, I told Chris to tell her I was going and she said she would meet me there,” said Teddy
“Well that’s cool,” said Erin.
“Yeah, I guess,” said Teddy
While walking they passed an old farmhouse. Old and weathered with faded paint, ivy growing on the walls, weeds in the yard and a No Trespassing sign wired on the gate. The kind of house that kids said was haunted. One rumor was that if a kid knocked on the door a ghost would pull him in and he would never be heard from


again. Another rumor was that a crazy old man lived there and he would grab kids and lock them in the basement. Erin remembered one of the stories.
“You know what happened in there don’t you?” she said.
Not wanting her to think he was uninformed Teddy said,
“Sure I do. Why what did you hear?”
“Well a long time ago, a family was living there, a father, mother and two teenagers. First the son disappeared and then a few weeks later the daughter vanished. They were never found and no one knows what happened to them. I think it happened in the ‘80s,” said Erin.
“Yeah right, you’re just saying that to scare me,” said Teddy
“Well that’s not all, right here in front of this house a contractor that was changing the sewer pipes was buried alive when the trench caved in on him.” said Erin.
“What’s so strange about that, you hear about that kind of stuff in the news all the time. It’s a construction accident,” said Teddy.
“I’ll tell you what so strange is that they never found his body. They opened the trench and


found the pipe and his tools but his body was gone,” said Erin.
“What. His body was gone? Wow, that is strange! I wonder what happened to him?” said Teddy.
“The two kids and the plumber are just part of the mystery. There have been a lot of people who have vanished from this neighborhood. Those three and probably twenty more,” said Erin.
“No way. That can’t be true. If twenty-three people were missing the police would be involved. There would be helicopters and search dogs. It would be all over the news,” said Teddy.
“The police know. They’ve kept it out of the news. They’ve been trying to keep it quiet,” said Erin.
“Why would they do that?” asks Teddy.
“If the story got out then the neighborhood would be finished. People would panic and move out. No one would move their family here if people were disappearing,” she said.
“Maybe. How did you find out about it?” said Teddy
“My friends told me,” said Erin. “Hey look, there’s Rebecca, lets catch up to her.”

End of chapter 1.
I know it needs editing 🙂
If people like it I will post more chapters.


Thank you for voting. Very kind. I hope you enjoy the story.

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