Supernatural Adventures chapter 2

in #new7 years ago

Supernatural Adventures
chapter 2

At the dance Erin, Teddy and Rebecca bought their tickets and went in. Standing inside the entrance doors they looked in to see what was going on. Most of their friends were already there. The school gym had been decorated with balloons and streamers. There was a D.J. set up in the far corner and a food and drink stand in the other corner. There were folding chairs against the other two walls. A group of kids were dancing and other groups were standing and sitting by the wall.
“Welcome to the dance young ladies and gentleman,” said Mrs. Dean, the principal of the school.
“Thank you,” said the three.
Other chaperones included Mr. Kane, the vice principal, Mr. Chris, the history teacher and a few parents. The perfect amount for the 150 kids expected.
“Looks like fun.” said Rebecca.
“Yeah, they did a good job with the decorations,” said Erin.
“Hi Teddy.” yells Sara. “I’m glad you made it.”
“Hi Sara. How long have you been here?” said Teddy.
“My Mom brought me about 15 minutes ago. She’s one of the chaperones,” said Sara.
“That’s all right. She’s nice. So what have you been up to?” said Teddy.
“I’ve just been looking around and talking to some friends,” said Sara.
“That’s good. You know I haven’t had any dinner yet and I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat first,” said Teddy.
“Ok, I’m a little hungry too,” said Sara.
“I’ll see you around Erin,” said Teddy.
“Ok Teddy. Come on Rebecca let’s walk around,” said Erin.
The two girls walked along the wall saying hi to friends. They stopped and talked to their friend Katie who was sitting with some other girls.
“Hey Erin, hey Rebecca, guess what, Aidan’s here,” said Katie.
“Oh, good. I saw Chris when I came in,” said Erin.
“Yeah, he was here a little while ago,” said Katie. “He asked if I wanted to dance.”

“Woo-who! So...what did you do?” asked Rebecca.
“I told him in a while because I was waiting for you guys,” said Katie. “Wasn’t that a fun game today?”
“Yeah! You put in two goals. Rebecca had 17 saves. Then I kicked the tiebreaker. All three of us had a great game,” said Erin.
“They kept drilling them at me. A few of those saves really hurt. I’ll probably get a bunch of bruises,” laughed Rebecca. “There’s most of the team is dancing at the DJ stand.”
“Come on, let’s go dance with them,” said Erin.
The girls went over and started dancing with their friends. Some boys joined the group. Everyone was having fun.
Teddy and Sara were eating pizza when Sara’s mom walked over.
“Are you guys having fun?” asked Mrs. Miller.
“Yeah. This is real nice,” said Teddy. “Ok. I’ll see you later,” she said
“See you Mom,” said Sara.
A techno beat started playing. A circle formed around Kenny to watch him dance. He

could dance very well and everyone liked to watch him. He started doing a break dance routine and everyone loved it. They clapped to the beat while he twisted and spun on the floor. They chanted “Go Kenny, Go Kenny!” and he gave them a show. Brandon moonwalked around the inside of the circle and everyone cheered. Even the chaperones cheered. Kenny and Bandon transitioned to the robot dance and it looked really cool. They danced to the end of the song and everyone applauded in appreciation of their effort. The kids grouped together and started dancing again.
“That was wild,” someone said.
“They can really kick it,” said someone else.
Aidan walked up and said to Erin,
“Wow. Those guys are really good,” said Aidan.
“Yeah. That was quite a show. Can you dance like that?” she asked.
“No. I’m more of a two-step or a slow dance style of dancer. Maybe you could teach me,” laughed Aidan.
“Well, I don’t break dance but I might be able to teach you something,” laughed Erin.
“Well then may I have this dance?” he asked.

“Sure, I’d love to dance. This is one of my favorite songs,” she said with a laugh. She smiled to Rebecca and went off to dance with Aidan. As she was dancing with him she waived to Teddy who was across the floor dancing with Sara. Teddy smiled and waived back to her.
The kids danced, sang and laughed. They ate pizza, hot dogs and drank soda. They did a few line dances like the Stinky Leg and the Electric Slide. Most of the chaperones joined in on the line dancing. They had a great time. The D.J. called last dance. After the last dance Mr. Kane made an announcement,
“Thank you for coming and making this dance a success. Have a good fall break and we will see you next Monday. Remember to go straight home if you are not being picked up. Thank you.”
Then the kids started going home. Erin met with Teddy and then called their parents to let them know the dance was over and they were on their way home.
Erin, Teddy, Katie and Brandon were walking home from the dance together. When they got to the park entrance Brandon said,
“See you guys later.”
He started walking down the bike trail to get to his home that was on the other side of the park.

“See you at school on Monday,” said Katie.
“You won’t see me at school on Monday. Next week is fall break,” called Brandon.
“Bye Brandon,” called Erin.
Brandon had cut through the park hundreds of times. As he was walking he kept thinking about the dance. At the dance he asked Susan if she wanted to dance with him and she said yes. He had a crush on her since the first time he saw her in the fifth grade. They would see each other all the time but they never really talked. Just a ‘hi’ once in a while. Now she was dancing with him. He thought of how much he liked her and wondered if she felt the same way.
“Oh, Susan, good to see you. I was thinking we could go out Friday night.
Hi Susan. Do you want to see a movie with me?” he thought.
He wasn’t sure how he would ask her but he was going to ask her for a date. I’ll call her Monday he thought.
He heard his name called like a loud whisper. It came from his left side. He stopped walking, turned and looked but he couldn’t see anyone. The park was well lit. There was a lamppost every 100 ft. and the moon was almost full. The moonlight

lit the landscape to a slate blue gray color He could see quite well but he didn’t see anyone. Someone called my name. I heard it, he thought.
This time the soft call of his name came from his right side. He turned quickly and said,
“Who’s there? Who called my name?”
He looked and still didn’t see anyone. He started walking. He was feeling a little frightened but he didn’t want to show it by running. He thought he could hear someone rustling the leaves at the tree line on his right. He picked up his pace to a fast walk.
There it was again. He felt pure fear and he wanted out. He was looking side to side. He heard the sound of a branch crack and like a starter pistol firing it sent him into a full sprint.
“Brandon! What’s the matter?”
Brandon looked ahead and saw someone standing at the pavilion.
“Mr. Chris? Man, am I glad to see you. Someone was playing some kind of...hey who are...”
Brandon was gone.

Erin and Teddy said good-bye to Katie when they got to her house and started walking down their street.
“I had a lot of fun at the dance.” said Teddy.
“Me too, it was better than I expected. Did you see Kenny break dancing? It was so cool,” said Erin.
“Yeah that was wild. How can he spin on his head like that and the robot dance, man that was funny,” said Teddy.
“I know right, and Brandon doing the moonwalk. That was so funny; Rebecca and me were busting out laughing. I thought I was going to die laughing, it hurt so badly,” said Erin.
“I saw you dancing with Aidan. Is he your boyfriend now?” asks Teddy.
“No, we were just dancing. It was fun. He did ask me if I wanted to go to the movies on Saturday,” said Erin.
“Yeah?” asks Teddy.
“I told him I would like to but I have a game on Saturday and then we have to go to Grandmom’s house for dinner,” said Erin.
“So you’re playing hard to get right?” Teddy replied.
“No, I said let’s go on Friday night instead,” laughed Erin.

They both laughed.
“What about you and Sara? I saw you dancing with her,” said Erin.
“Yeah we danced a lot. She’s fun to hang out with. Her mom was one of the chaperones. She was really nice too,” said Teddy.
“Erin, look up there, on the porch.”
They were right in front of the old farmhouse. On the porch was the silhouette of a big man. They never saw anyone at that house. The glow from a streetlight revealed the lower half of his face. The brim of his hat cast a shadow covering his eyes giving him a sinister appearance. They just stood there, frozen in fear, staring up at this unusual character. The man moved. He slowly walked down the three porch steps. He was now on their level just a few yards from them.
“Come here,” said the man.
Erin felt a cold chill run up her back and Teddy was scared stiff. The man started moving toward them. Erin grabbed Teddy’s arm.
“Let’s get out of here,” she said. The two ran the rest of the way home.
“Wow, that was scary. Who was that? I’ve never saw anyone at that house,” said Teddy.
“I don’t know. I never saw anyone there either. I’m glad we’re home,” said Erin.

“Me too, I thought we were goners. Do you think he had anything to do with the disappearances?” said Teddy.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t waiting around to find out,” laughed Erin.
“I’m going to look into it. There has to be reports on the net. I’ll try to find some answers,” said Teddy.
“I’ll do what I can to help you. Just let me know,” said Erin.

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