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RE: Media bias

in #new8 years ago

All government's do this. It's up to the news networks to refuse and report on the truth. JFK in one of his most famous speeches told the media it was up to them to make sure the government stays hounest. We all know the CIA and other agencies working for intelligence community have infiltrated the media networks. Also major corporations have scooped up small independent news agencies and absorbed them into large media corporations. This only re-enforces how a small group of people can push a global narrative. Reporters can be easily bought off. Politicians can refuse interviews with reporters who will scrutinize them to more favourable reporters who will push there propaganda. If we impose term limits to our politicians and not allow corporate intetests buy them off, we can take back our country. Any person who has worked for corporate intetests lobbying the government should not be able to be in government. Any politician who gets out of office should not be able to work for corporate interests for 5 years after leaving office. This would discourage infiltration of dirty business from corporations.

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