Is the salary of a Venezuelan doctor worthy? Crisis in universities and the country ..

in #new7 years ago (edited)

traduccion by @carloserp2000 With the required permissions of his person @joha09sohi, very grateful to allow me to publish this post and to be able to make their respective translation.


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Nowadays the situation in my country has become very critical in many aspects, many people know that the country is experiencing a very serious economic crisis with an inflation that this year already exceeds 200%, in the political, many actors Of this branch peliandose by the power of both the opposition and the government and in the social people killing themselves to get a crumb of food to survive, the Venezuelan lost his decency, worry about others and only think of itself this is regrettable.

This is because the government was responsible for brainwashing many people with their lies, promising them a life full of riches and facilities, which allowed the Venezuelan malacostumbrara, most of the lower class, chavez promised to end with Poverty and this class became middle class.
But this was "lie" as we know it happens today.


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In 2007 the country lived a very big oil explosion an incredible bonanza, the barrel of oil reached more than $ 100 per barrel and the country produced more than 4 million barrels a day, imagine the injection of money entering the


This money was destined to missions, which in principle was a good idea on the part of the government, missions with respect to the area of health with the creation of many ambulatories, in education with creation of schools and universities and other not very good that were Helping older people, that is, people who did not have the opportunity to take their title in their youth to fulfill their dream, was not really a bad idea, but that turned out very annoying?

Well the annoying thing was that these people scholarships with an absurd amount of money then most studied for the simple fact of receiving their payment, what stupidity!


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The government forgot about the great houses of study that for decades fed from excellent professionals to the country in different branches like medicine, engineering, education, law, administration, among others. The government stopped giving money to these universities among them the central university of Venezuela, university of the Andes, University of Zulia, the 3 houses of studies more important of the country, that is why little by little these universities were deteriorating until arriving To the point where today they are on the verge of bankruptcy and close their doors ... is this just?


Then my question is without these universities how will we help graduate professionals who help us solve the crisis in the country?

Many graduates of these great universities have already left the country, have emigrated in search of better employment opportunities and better quality of life, in the last 3 years more than 3 million Venezuelans have emigrated, not impressive? Their university degrees in the country are no longer worth anything, their knowledge is despised and not valued in the country, these professionals are frustrated and observe that their effort has not been worth it and are forced to leave, very unfortunate too ..


I am a medical surgeon graduated from the University of Zulia last year I am currently playing Article 8 of law of medical practice, which in summary says that I have a course of 1 year as a minimum of practice of rural doctor to be able to practice my profession in Private medical institutions or also to be able to do the postgraduate in the area of ​​medicine in the country, then nowadays I work as an internal doctor in Valera province Trujillo hospital, where I work day by day in order to help my country and To exercise with love the career that I studied for 7 years, to help the population in what is within my reach despite all the difficulties that we have in the area of ​​health today.


The best doctors in the country graduate in these 3 houses of study and are those who really earn the title with much sacrifice and effort, are excellent professionals well trained for the practice of medicine.


At the moment the government has a Bolivarian university does not mention its name, but it graduates integral doctors, the truth I do not want to speak badly about these doctors, but from experience it is that they are not qualified for the exercise of the medicine, its preparation is Difficult and do not know how to perform in different situations that deserve it in the area, "eye" not all but if 90% of these professionals are poorly qualified.

And another point to take into account is that these students of this race in the Bolivarian university owns a scholarship with a considerable income, while public universities, for example where I study my career does not have this benefit, is unfair? Sii

Also at the time of graduation and exercise his career is very well subsidized in his payment, that is, his salary is higher than that of the doctors of the 3 houses of major studies in the country.


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I tell it from my own experience I am practicing my profession and I earn half of what they earn in strong bolivares and their knowledge is harmful, it is more in the hospital to them practically the same patients that arrive .. they say to him: "I want That I attend a doctor of UCV, LUZ or ULA, "ie the 3 houses of studies I previously mentioned," because they are better trained and I feel more confident and in better hands than you lie doctors graduated by the government ", I say this with total propriety because it happens to me every day.


Well, I just wanted to tell you this: how complicated is the situation in universities and how unfair it is to be a doctor in Venezuela, regarding payment, but still I love my profession and every day I am happy to serve many Venezuelans and Help them who trust me and other colleagues, who always bless us and fill us with good vibes and praise, that fascinates me because despite all they know how much we sacrifice our home and family to dedicate time to our career ...

Later in other publications I will comment on the situation in hospitals in Venezuela and the deterioration of this ..

Thank you very much greetings to all in steemit


i like your post

I dont like your post.
But I like you...

You are right. There is clearly a significant disparity.

It is really crazy what happens here with the doctors, thank you very much to @joha09sohi for allowing me to publish this post and to carry out his tarduccion

muchas gracias amigo @carloserp2000 por publicar mi redaccion de este articulo y realizar su traduccion

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