Ten things wise people know but won't talk aboutsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #new7 years ago

Winning or losing – it's a question of mentality


I am sure you know successful people who are living a well-balanced life while they stay confident in every situation. And you probably know people who might seem to attract misfortune, failure and no matter how hard they try they are not progressing fast.

Those who get into an upward spiral will get caught in it. They are more motivated, they do better and less likely to give up, while those who are in a downward spiral are dragged down mercilessly.

Let me tell you a big secret.

People who look super-positive and have constant success are having second thoughts and difficulties all the time.
But what makes a difference is how they handle negative things and occasional failures.

Everything depends on that!

You can't run away from problems, so it matters a lot how you confront them. You can let the current of life carry you, and go with the flow or you can keep worrying about why is this happening to you!

Let's start!

Ten things wise people know but won't talk about

  1. There are no mistakes, only progress.
  2. Life will give you the same task over and over again until you solve it correctly.
  3. Whatever you think about yourself you are going to project that picture to others.
  4. The more you accept yourself, the less likely other people's opinions will matter.
  5. Every situation is a possibility, not a problem.
  6. Things are not happening TO you they are happening FOR you.
  7. You can't get ‘there’ and finish because progress is neverending.
  8. Today creates tomorrow. Wherever you are today will lay down the path for tomorrow.
  9. You will always get what you need. Not necessarily what you want, but always what you must have.
  10. It is always up to you what you do with your life.

Oh, I love this list, you are talking from my heart....
This is what I am always trying to emphasize: you can always change your perception, and this is what really matters at the end of the day, as this will drive your emotions and your entire attitude towards things (and yourself).

100% right! Believe, trust and be good for others.


That's a great list. All about perspective and changing the way we view ourselves and situations around us.
Good stuff.

Thank you!:-)

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