Observations from a bussteemCreated with Sketch.

in #new-zealand8 years ago

Wellington’s buses used to be called Big Reds. When they changed the colour, they became well, nothing – Big Yellow doesn’t have the same ring!

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The other morning, by the time I showered, paid the Visa bill, posted a story to Steemit and answered some comments, there was no time for breakfast before heading out to a hair appointment, so I took some food in a lunchbox and munched it on the bus. Which is why I was looking out of the window instead of reading on my tablet.

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This led to a flashback and some observations.

The flashback happened as I eating one of my Banana Cashew muffins and I remembered the Banana Blueberry Choc Chip muffins I used to make before I went gluten free 20 years ago. I realised I could adapt this recipe, which would make them even more yummy.

I swear there’s not a picture on the internet as good as the muffins I used to make but this picture is the closest – Image Source

Observation 1 – Is it worth voting?

It’s local election time, and there are advertising billboards everywhere. We need to vote for:
• A mayor
• Councillors for our area, for the city council
• Members of the regional council, and
• Members of the health board

We get a little booklet with each candidates “vote for me” spiel, but it doesn’t really tell us enough about who they are and what they stand for. How do you decide who to vote for?

The topic that I care most about is the fluoride in our water supply. I want it out. And I’ve told both the City Council and the Regional Council so, many times, and why. For someone who used to hate public speaking, speaking to a group of councillors is still stressful, but I do it, nearly every year.

This year, Fluoride Free NZ asked all the candidates what their position on fluoride is. Most didn’t answer, but at least I now know two people not to vote for. Of the rest, who knows? I don’t want to be one of those apathetic people who don’t vote, but can I in all conscience vote for people who stand for what I don’t?

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Mind you, my decision isn’t as bad as the one required by those of you in the once great US of A. While the comb-forward clown is scary, the alternative is even scarier. And if she’s dead or incapacitated, but gets elected anyway, that’s scarier again. Who will be put in her place without you having the opportunity to have your say?

Observation 2 – Are we entrained?

As the bus stopped to pick someone up, I noticed an ad with a happy looking woman with colourful things whizzing gaily round her head. “Be more entrained with 50% more data” the wording said. WHAT? (Double take). Oh, more entertained, of course.

But what if what I saw is what they really meant?

Are we entrained?

Is it the fluoride in our water?

I think those of us on Steemit are probably less entrained than the general population, but nevertheless, let’s not be complacent. Let’s keep being mindful of other people’s agendas.

This pic from the Spark NZ website is the web version of what I saw

Observation 3 – Ooh, this is where I saw the Steemit billboard

Following hard on the heels of that thought, I passed where I’d seen the Steemit billboard a couple of weeks ago. I memorised where it was, so I could take a photo on my way back. Sadly, on my way back, there was only one seat on the right side of the bus. So I ended up taking the photo blind, through a dirty bus window, between the big head of the man in front of me and the big yellow O painted on the window. But although it’s a shocking shot, here is the proof of the Steemit billboard in Wellington, NZ.

I’m a bit stumped for what tags to put on this motley collection of thoughts, so please don’t spank me if you think they don’t fit. Thanks for reading.

Follow me for more nutrition, health, diet, food, lifestyle and recipe posts.


We are paleo in this house, so I am loving your dietary choices, we agree on the fluoride. I love "collections of thoughts."

Hopefully you'll love the snack recipes coming up too :-)

interesting read. we have floride in our water in Singapore too but not allow to eat on the bus. :-)

There is a notice up saying to respect our fellow passengers by not eating or drinking out of containers that don't have lids. There was nobody near me and my lunch box had a lid, so I think I was being ok. There are not that many countries in the world that do have fluoride, but sadly you and I are in two of them.

Oh, i see. Thanks for the information. :-)

Got some good friends from Wellington and nearby Palmy! Greetings from bonnie Scotland! Missing those red buses!

Greetings to bonnie Scotland! You've visited Wellington and Palmy then? The yellow buses are more noticeable I guess but somehow not as homely.

Sure have! You wouldn't believe our local football team here in Dumfries (Queen of the South) play at PALMERSTON PARK! Many happy days in Palmy North. Sweet as @kiwideb

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