I spoke at Jeff Berwick's Anarchapulco 2016-- My first public appearance in 5 years after fleeing the U.S.

in #nevergetbusted8 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone. Thanks for joining me again on Steemit. I hope the warm wind is blowing in your direction today.

In 2015, Jeff Berwick invited me to speak at his famous Anarchapulco conference in Acapulco, Mexico. I pulled one of my notorious "no shows" by backing out at the last moment. I did not go because I was still paranoid after fleeing the U.S. and gaining refugee status in Brazil.

Mr. Berwick invited me to speak at Anarchapulco 2016 and almost backed out again. My girlfriend, my daughter and her husband talked me into appearing and I'm glad I did. The conference changed my life by helping me overcome my fear of being arrested again.

Join me in this video for my re-up appearance as I teach the large crowd of activists how to persuade the masses. I learned this method of persuasion from Aristotle's book titled, "The Art of Rhetoric." This method has worked for me all my life and it will also work for you.

Show your love by giving me an upvote and following me. I sincerely appreciate your support. Peace, love and NeverGetBusted.


Anarchapulco --- is this a real word? I'm guessing its Narcos and Acapulco

When I went to the hotel in Acapulco to book the conference for its first year she asked, "What's the name of your conference?" And I said, "Anarchapulco." She sat stunned for more than 15 seconds, first turning white then really red. I was confused. Then my wife realized what happened and said, "No, not Narco-pulco... An-arch-apulco, it's an anarchist conference!" She let out a big sigh of relief and said, "Oh, anarchist conference! OK great, no problem!"

I haven't seen a comment of yours in ages :O !!! I miss your insight! hahahaha! Hey whats wrong with Narco-pulco!!! sounds pretty good to me!! ;) Suppose it would be more worrying if she turned to you and said. "If you are getting mashed up then so i am." ^^ i laughed way to hard at the Narco-An-arch reference. Also if you see this look at the comment i wrote in response to this video. Don't know why but barry makes me think deeply about my own life.

I'm glad to trigger deep thinking for you @egjoshslim. Deep thinking is necessary to become the best version of yourself.

Anarchy + Acapulco.
Come on down http://www.anarchapulco.com/

as soon as i though of Mexico the word Narco came to mind. I knew it was (Anarchy) i was trying to make a joke.

Haha sure. Sorry, didn't mean to be a downer. Narcotics are definitely welcome

Sounds about right :)

I made this bigger so it wasn't just ignored, I don't like thinking about it if i'm honest..

This kid who has Asperger syndrome.

Age 10 was forced to take ritalin because of a widely misunderstood disability. That ritalin withdrew that child from the world and although it kept him quiet it made him feel as if he was neutral emotionally. Also could not eat for days.

At age 12 his parents seen how withdrawn he had become and his grades or intelligence didn't increase hardly if at all. He was a shell of the child he once was. Luckily the refused to give him it. From age 12 untill the age of 18 all he did was play video games on his own in his room.

Through school he never had a thirst for knowledge or the attention span too learn even if he wanted too.

Age 18, He smokes marijuana for the first time because he was fed up with life and what people told him to think and feel. He was also at the end of his tether when it came to his own existence. As he felt he would never be a social person and would never progress in life. He had hardly any education and felt like there was no point anymore. On his 18th birthday was the day he tried marijuana. He coughed loads.

Age 18-19 he starts smoking marijuana regularly. He finds he now has the attention span to read entire books, not just that but he started to take notice of world events and put people and others before himself.

19-20, He starts to learn at an extraordinary rate. Faster than he could ever have imagined. He came to realize everything he thought, everything he had be told about this plant was a fucking lie. He started to research the plant. What toxicity does it have? Turns out less than fucking caffeine by far. So much less in fact it takes so much marijuana to overdose you would die from asphyxiation.

Age 20-22, He studies, he learns and he grows as a person. Everyday made him stronger as a person. This boy who once wouldn't leave his room because he felt society wouldn't like him now begins to take society on face first. The boy that had a really hard time in school became person who would not be stepped on by any body. People started to respect him because of his opinions and knowledge possessed.

Age 23 (Current age) He does things no one i know in my local area does, he is strong, confident and tries harder than any of the people that used to give him a hard time. He is more successful than them and he will be far more of a success than them. Also he joined steemit to blog.

That boy...... is me.

All this makes me a criminal where i live. I face the same persecution as you because i don't just smoke marijuana. I'm apart of the community and with it comes a greater risk of prosecution. Nelson Mandela did 25 years for what he believed in. I'm willing to do a couple if my government is that pathetic. I Have grown as a person because of marijuana.

No Victim, No Crime.


Sounds to me like you are not a boy. Only a man can say those words. Congrats for finding cannabis. I'm really happy for you. Thanks for sharing your story. Peace and love.

YAYYY!!! sorry, moment of excitement there :P The barry cooper replied. It has made me a man, Also no one buys marijuana on the streets and doesn't toughen up! Thank you for noticing man! This post is the reason i wrote this and your story! Sorry about you being persecuted for a victim-less crime. :(

Your doc is incompetent. Asperger is a personality type, at the extreme of the introvert side of the introvert/extrovert spectrum. You don't "treat" a personality type, except maybe when you are a corrupt GP who gets commissions from big pharma companies to diagnose as many kids as possible with the mostly imaginary 21st century disease called ADHD instead of addressing the actual cause of kids distress by sending them or (sadly much too often) their parents for counselling. Much easier for everybody, the parents, the GP, the school, and of course big pharma to bury the actual problem under the carpet and put the kids on legal speed so that they SFTU and study without engaging emotionally with their environment.

You speak much sense!! :) i'm glad i had it. Now i know what kind of poison it is! I can educate others infact! Marijuana balances all also! For me anyways.

i have always wanted to meet you but you are so damn big. You merely letting out wind could take me off my feet. You would think of hurting me and i would die. You are like a damn chuck norris i swear to god ;) ;) Nice to see you are safe and well above all else!!!

If I ever get in trouble I am sneaking to Mexico and finding this guy!

Amazing, I love how you talked about your "karma" and were able to realize what you had done in your past was morally wrong. I respect you so much!

"Anarchy is the only hope for humanity" - Barry Cooper

Great post and a very inspiring story. I feel that prohibition of any drug is a provocation, as criminalizing something only makes the situation worse and more negative. There should be centers where you can go in a try a hit of heroin or crack under clean conditions, thus eliminating the often dark street life of hardcore drug sellers and users.

Reverse propaganda is great, because it takes a new, improved, more positive way of organizing society to be spoken and promoted in order for it to come into existence. Luckily as money is taken away from government through decentralized monetary systems it will naturally fade away as an institution.

Thanks for the post and keep up the good work :)

I don't agree with everything you say, Barry but I sure as hell love listening to your masterful powers of persuasion. Another 5 minutes of video and I too would've started to have believed in anarchy as the answer.

@barrycooper Never came across you before bro. Glad you are surviving and thriving. Loved you mentioning the "Karma" payback, that what goes round comes round, a price needs to be paid.
I'm all for Evolution more than Revolution that we don't engage with institutions on their terms, expecially their Rhetoric nor on their playing fields.
I believe Dr. Robert Cialdini should get a shout out here for any aren't familiar with Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Available on Brazilian waterways, all good Pirate ships and elsewhere. Peace :)

You are the FUCKIN'man @barrycooper -- That video was incredible! I was raised by a man, that was the youngest cop ever admitted into the Special Investigations Unit in NYC in the 1970s. Needless to say, he soon quit when he realized how screwed-up the whole system was... He was a wise and really good man. But he did face retribution from the very same people he had served with... But he was also a Bad-Ass and just said -- "Bring it on!" I commend you for all you have done and what will, no doubt, continue to do in the future. CHEERS!

Love your heart, Barry! Enjoy your talks and watching your expressive face! upvoting, sharing, following- Cheers!

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