in #never5 years ago

READ: Romans 4:20-25
Key Scripture:
Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God (Romans 4:20).

The scripture of today is about Abraham, the man of faith. He never doubted God or disobeyed God. Even when he was asked for his only son, he trusted that God would provide for him. As Christians, we ought to be people of faith. But sometimes, we lag behind in this regard. We doubt that God's hand can reach us and see us through. Today is another opportunity for us to sit back and remind ourselves of all those promises of God that we knew before and begin to recite them upon our lives. Now, what is the problem? Is it that God is not able to fulfill all those promises? He is certainly able to fulfill them. In fact, He is more than able. He is faithful, and He never goes back on His words. The promises of God cover every area of our lives. The promises of God are like insurance packages. There is nothing concerning us that this divine insurance does not cover. Whatever you need, God's promises are available to us and will do it for us.

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