Top-10 Blockchain Platforms to Explore in 2020.

in #neuronchain4 years ago
  • IBM Blockchain. Visionary companies across the globe are using IBM’s popular and exciting blockchain platform, which offers more transparent environments for company operations.

  • Ethereum. Many people refer to Ethereum as an alt-coin or another form of cryptocurrency, aside from Bitcoin. Since 2013, Ethereum has offered developers an open-source distributed computing platform where they can discover all the benefits of blockchain.

  • Ripple is a blockchain platform focusing on the financial side of the digital revolution. You can create global payments with this platform or build your own custom financial solution.

  • Corda is R3’s open-source blockchain platform helping businesses create more secure and private transaction experiences. Crucially, Corda doesn’t have its own cryptocurrency, whereas a lot of blockchain platforms do.

  • OpenLedger. Providing custom blockchain development options and blockchain services to businesses worldwide, OpenLedger is all about supporting digital transformation. With this unique decentralised environment, companies can create revolutionary business tools that support the management of digital assets.

  • EOS has firmly asserted itself in the space. The offering comes from a private company named, and it’s intended for developing decentralised applications for business. Now, anyone can use EOS blockchain to create customisable environments.

  • Hyperledger Sawtooth is a blockchain offering made available from the Linux foundation. Sawtooth is a modular enterprise-grade platform where experts can create, deploy, and execute distributed ledgers.

  • OpenChain is a public blockchain platform developed by Coinprism. Anyone can spin up a new instance of blockchain on the environment within seconds. Additionally, end-users can exchange values on the ledger according to rules identified by the administrator of the blockchain.

  • Quorum, a JP Morgan creation, is an enterprise-grade version of the Ethereum platform, another contender on this list. In particular, Quorum modifies the core of the Ethereum structure to offer something speedier and more efficient for permissioning

  • IOTA. Despite being one of the younger blockchain environments in the market today, IOTA is easily one of the most exciting. IOTA took to the blockchain landscape with a mission to fundamentally change the way that people access distributed ledger technology.


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