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RE: Why Do Some Sounds Drive Us Mad? New Study on Misophonia and My Own Experiences

in #neurology7 years ago

This is such an interesting topic!
Being an Aspie, I've always been sensitive to light and sound and I have my quirky issues, but only in the past couple of years have I really developed a growing aversion to the sound of breathing while people are eating. It's amplified and gross and I just want to karate chop them in the throat to make them stop. Other sounds include scraping teeth on silverware and long nails clicking on a keyboard.

I'm curious - have you always had misophonia or do you think it became worse with age?


I think bizarrely it is getting worse - I have always had it to some degree but I seem to get in response to more sounds. The eating thing has always been there but the nail clipping issue is a recent development!

I completely understand the recent development thing! I'm just hoping it's not a stepping stone to dementia when/if I get old.

On the flip side, are there sounds that calm you more than others?
A dripping faucet drives me batshit crazy (because of sound and the idea of wasting water) but I could sit by a running stream all day.

Yes I think gentle rain is nice or ocean sounds! I hope it is not related to dementia!

me too...seriously - not so much for me because I'd be "out there" and probably oblivious - but I wouldn't want my family to deal with it.

True. It is tough for people when they are in the early stages but eventually you are past the point were you remember you have it at which point the main stress is on the family members. That is the paradox of dementias.

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