OpenNIC Private Network 1337 Mariana's Web Cyberpunk

in #networking7 years ago (edited)

People want to always know about deeper internet connections and private networks more. Here is something I would like to bring to attention more of and bring it to the public more what is already out there.

The OpenNIC is a center of top - level network information ( NIC ) of ownership and control of users. It is intended to provide an alternative to established Top Level Domain ( TLD) registries , such as ICANN. The list of servers can be found here: OpenNIC public servants. It aims to be an alternative, decentralized DNS root. OpenNIC is analternative DNS root which lists itself as an alternative to ICANN and its registries. The idea behind this, in a nutshell, is like a decentralized internet, such as ZeroNet or Freenet, although OpenNIC has not yet been developed at this point. I'm sure if you get into the technical details, they are quite different - it's the "decentralized" concept they have in common.
OpenNIC top-level domain names Name Intended use .bbs Bulletin Board Servers. .chan Image tables and related communities (like 4chan). .cb Cyberpunk related content.

Here is a list of the current TLDs available in OpenNIC (see OpenNIC - Wikipedia for more information):
.bbs Bulletin Board System Servers.
.chan Imageboards and related communities (like 4chan).
.cyb Cyberpunk-related content.
.free Organizations that support non-commercial use of free internet.
.dyn|Dynamic DNS pointers.
.geek Geeky and nerdy stuff.
.gopher Content delivery using the gopher protocol.
.indy Indy media and arts-related sites.
.libre Similar to .free.
.null|Completely non-commercial and only natural persons.
.o|General purpose.
.oss|Exclusively for Open Source Software.
.oz|Australian websites (alt-ccTLD)
.neo General purpose (might include Keanu Reeves).
.parody|This domain is a venue for non-commercial parody work.
.pirate Internet freedom and sharing.


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