COMBO: The Future of Web3 and Blockchain Gaming

in #networklast year (edited)


About COMBO (Previously Cocos-BCX)

COMBO is A top Web3 gaming Layer2 provider, offering open-source, decentralized Scaling Deals with any consequences regarding Game designers. COMBO is disturbing the universe of gaming by using the power of blockchain and decentralized advancement to make an open-source, game-arranged Layer2 plan that is set to upset the gaming scene like never before. Expecting that you're a monetary supporter looking for an interesting an entryway to be fundamental for the destiny of gaming, COMBO is the dare to watch.

Combo is a checking redesign of the web3-gaming-scaling plan Cocos-BCX. Another gaming period is coming! New age decentralized gaming establishments are made. The mission is to help each other and enjoy the benefits of shared work. There is an overall relationship with NodeReal, a fundamental provider in blockchain developments. Combo has all the earmarks of being major areas of strength for a. The start of test-net is probably in April 2023, it could give significant solid areas for a for the game business.


Why everybody should put resources into COMBO (Previously Cocos-BCX)

  • Scaling Web3 Gaming to New Heights
    Web3 gaming is the future, and COMBO is at the actual front of this turmoil. With its inventive Layer2 scaling course of action, COMBO is watching out for the troubles of adaptability, sensibility, and security that have been holding down the all over gathering of Web3 games. By partner game specialists with the entire climate in a capable and decentralized way, COMBO is opening the maximum limit of Web3 games, preparing for a billion-player gaming experience.

  • Game-Focused in Confident Rollup on the Binance Quick Chain
    COMBO's down focused confident rollup course of action depends on the Binance Clever Chain (BSC), one of the fastest creating blockchains on earth. This fundamental association with BSC outfits COMBO with unrivaled speed, security, and interoperability, making it an ideal platform for game specialists to create and scale their games. With BSC's monstrous client base and vivacious neighborhood, is prepared to get a colossal part of the gaming market.

  • Full-Stack Progression Tool stash for Web3 Games
    COMBO's intensive improvement instrument compartment, ComboUp, offers game fashioners an arranged to-include reply for building and shipping off Web3 games without any problem. From smart contracts to game mechanics, from asset the board to client approval, ComboUp surrenders a complete arrangement of instruments that smooth out the game improvement process, allowing specialists to focus in on making distinctive gaming experiences. With COMBO's full-stack tool kit, game designers can accelerate their progression plans and achieve mass gathering of their games.

  • Maximizing profit from beginning capital speculation for Monetary patrons
    As a monetary patron, you're constantly saving watch for projects that offer high anticipated returns. COMBO is a game-changing hypothesis opportunity that really takes a look at the suitable boxes. With its unique arranging in the Web3 gaming industry, maintained by a cultivated gathering of designers and guides, COMBO is set to get a gigantic piece of the thundering gaming market. As Web3 gaming secures standard gathering, early monetary benefactors in COMBO stand to get critical advantages.


Here are a few extra features of COMBO(Previously Cocos-BCX)

  • Decentralized Governance: COMBO's decentralized organization model ensures that decisions are made by the neighborhood, expansion to a picked small bunch. This gives monetary benefactors a voice toward the platform, laying out a more extensive and helpful environment.

  • Flexibility: COMBO is expected to be versatile, meaning it can oblige an enormous number of game styles and types. This licenses architects to make creative and surprising games that hang out in the Web3 gaming climate.

  • User-Obliging Interface: COMBO's not difficult to utilize interface simplifies it for originators and gamers the equivalent to investigate the platform. This deals with the course of game development and ensures that gamers can without a very remarkable stretch find the games they're looking for.

  • Security: COMBO treats security in a serious way, using the latest development and shows to ensure that the platform and its clients are safeguarded from software engineers and various risks. This level of wellbeing helps with building trust among monetary patrons, making them more sure about their hypothesis.

  • Community Support: The COMBO social class solid areas for is creating, with a dedicated assembling of planners, gamers, and monetary patrons who are centered around making the platform a victory. This level of neighborhood is central for any endeavor wanting to achieve mass gathering, and it's a critical draw for monetary supporters.

With these additional components, clearly COMBO isn't just a platform for Web3 gaming, but a comprehensive plan that offers monetary sponsor the potential for basic benefits from their hypothesis.

Oblige us today and be a piece of the Web3 gaming change. With COMBO, the possible results are unbelievable.


$COMBO Token Information

The best reserve of $COMBO: 100,000,000 (identical to $COCOS) The hard and fast supply will consistently be 100,000,000 tokens, regardless of what the amount of chains they are conveyed on. We come to ensure that the Cocos token can course across all chains, with the full scale scattering volume of all chains being not precisely or comparable to 100 million tokens. The abundance part is put something aside for cross-chain purposes.

COMBO Contracts

The Old Token Contracts

New Token Contracts

COMBO Planning Contracts

COMBO Multisig Address

COMBO Consume Address

(Subsequent to ensuring, $COCOS will be burned and sent off the consume address.)



By placing assets into COMBO, you're placing assets into the possible destiny of Web3 gaming. Our platform is at this point developing positive progress in the business, and we're sure that we'll be at the bleeding edge of the accompanying huge surge of gaming advancement. Our committed gathering of experts is centered around making the best Web3 gaming experience, and we're anxious to welcome you to the COMBO social class. Make an effort not to miss the important opportunity to be a piece of something huge. Oblige us today and see the motivation behind why COMBO is the accompanying enormous thing in Web3 gaming!

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Bitcointalk name: Whitley Keaton
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=3475199
Telegram username: @Whitleykeeton
Wallet address: 0x976e606a138c18B03C504889b36B1fd3424DaBf8

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