Where does Steem stand on Net Neutrality?steemCreated with Sketch.

It looks like the U.S. Congress is the last days of letting net neutrality go to the dogs and die. What will be the future if the freedom of internet content provided in the U.S. is compromised? How big of a deal is it and what will it mean for Steem sites? Seems like no one has broached this topic on STEEM blockchain lately.

By the way, does anyone have a solution for not paying money to AT&T or huge cable companies for internet?


Peace in America @ClumsySilverDad


Net Neutrality legislation is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. At least it hasn't so far. Net Neutrality didn't come into being until 2015. I don't remember any problems before that.

Regardless of your stance on the concept, I definitely advise any one who supports this or future legislation to look at the law actually being passed before supporting it. Many times the name of the law has little to do with its function or it has a whole bunch of other stuff in it that may not be desirable.

As far as internet, cable and then DSL are going to be your fastest options. Satellite service might also be available in your area. Latency is high so it isn't good for gaming though for other purposes it is generally ok. You can also use a cell phone hot spot though prices are probably higher. NetZero still offers dial-up in addition to DSL and mobile...

More or less I agree. It's not that I necessarily trust the big internet providers, but rather my sense of things is that Net Neutrality is more about certain politicians and bureaucrats trying to grab for more power in the guise of protecting us. I figure that if the big internet providers blatantly abuse their power, at least the market allows for new companies and disruptive technologies to allow for working around it. Abuse by the gov't is usually much harder to work around or reverse, and perversely makes it more likely those giant companies carry out 'regulatory capture' of the industry.

I feel centralization of power is what we most want to try to avoid, and it seems to me that replacing that future potential for partial centralization of power by the big internet providers with a definite and stronger centralization of power under the government is a recipe for more abuse. At least that seems to be the usual pattern...

Hey thanks ... like usual a lot of the legislation is as clear as mud. I guess anyways people that are truly curious will find their ends while the rest will just drift downstream, per usual.


Я думаю, что принятие обществом, нацией, человеком того или иного закона исходит из их духовности. Какие бы законы не принимались властями если человек духовно беден, то ничего не поможет. И наоборот - духовно богатому человеку и не нужны законы - все нормы морали, нравственности и так заложены в нем.2428349_1.jpg

We cannot rely on or trust politicians to deliver net neutrality..... a new decentralized internet is coming... and in my opinion it can’t come soon enough

true, it's probably something online communities need to do on their own,,, but i guess a little positive legislationg could help? not sure, i'm pretty much in the dark on the issue.

Look up maidsafe on youtube...... they did a pretty good interview with max kieser a few years back.... been working on it for a long time... but things look like they are finally beginning to happen

The new decentralized Internet? ...this is in 5-7 years...we're in the embryonic phase now.

If we lose Net Neutrality, they truly are taking a step backwards and decentralization will be sped up IMO

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hmmm, good thought... maybe it's the challenge onlne communities/entrepreneurs need ,,, ty

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