Sex / Life (series) on Netflix: It's basically softcore porn

in #netflixlast year

I probably would never have encountered this had it not been for some random suggestion from Netflix. I don't know what drives the choices they offer to me and this might have simply been something that they were trying to push on everyone.

The show itself has some ideas in it that i think has applied to everyone at some point in their life after they get married, even if their marriage is good. I applaud their presentation of this very real situation that I think most people will experience but on the other hand the show doesn't really rely on this storytelling so much as it is basically just a ton of nudity and sexual situations that are quite graphic for a Netflix show.


Some sites claim that the story presented is based on a real-life story but this doesn't surprise me because I have seen it apply to many people after they get married. The basis behind it all is that Billie Connelly (a woman) is happily married and has a wonderful husband and kids. They seem to have the perfect life but she has constant flashbacks to her rather active sex life when from before she was married. Her husband is no slouch, he is a very good-looking person as well but after getting careers and having kids she starts to miss the really crazy sexual situations that she used to find herself in before she tied the knot. She considers her sex life with her husband to be boring in comparison and this is a very understandable situation for anyone who has ever been young and sexually active.


While she does reminisce about a lot of past partners, there is one in particular that really rocked her world so to speak, and he is the one that she thinks about the most. Then, because the story needs to accelerate a bit beyond forbidden memories, this man attempts to reintroduce himself into her life years after she is already happily married.

Adam Demos is the ex lover in question and not only is he particularly good in bed, he is also extremely wealthy and is the CEO of a music label and a musician. This is something that I think all people, both women and men, would be attracted to.


Her husband Mike on the other hand is rather straight-laced and serious and by comparison quite boring in her mind. He is attractive and loyal and is also a great father to their two children. But Billie cannot get her past adventures out of her mind and struggles with her feelings once Adam attempts to re-enter her life.

I can really admire the 3 main characters for getting the job done as far as the acting is concerned here because they spend a lot of time without any clothes on. I've done a bit of acting in the past and I was made very uncomfortable with romantic situations that took place on camera on stage. In one play I was involved in during high school I actually dropped out of the production because during one scene I had to sit in a makeshift car on stage and make out with a girl for something like 3 minutes while none of the dialogue was even being done by us. I couldn't handle the pressure of doing this in front of other people even during rehearsal and I knew I wouldn't be able to do it in front of an audience. Therefore, I am really in a state of admiration that the 3 main actors in this do so much of this on screen not just making out, but also being completely naked and presumably needing to do multiple takes of the same sexual acts multiple times to reach the final cut.


I've intentionally not included the racy images and scenes because I don't want to make NSFW content but just know that there is a LOT of nudity and sex in this series. If it weren't for streaming services as they exist today, there is zero chance that this would have been allowed on TV in the past. I think it would have seriously struggled to even achieve an "R" rating as a film back in the day. Things have changed a lot though and this borderline porn is something that has become a bit common now, hasn't it?

Should I watch it?

Well first off, don't watch it with your parents or kids if you have them because this is going to create a very uncomfortable situation for you. Other than that though, I think the show is a lot better than the 21% rating that it currently has on Rotten Tomatoes. For anyone that has ever gone from being a bit of a wild one in their youth and then entered into a better, yet sometimes boring and stable relationship, I think this show will be something that they will be able to relate to, although probably in a less glamorous way.

Just prepare yourself though because this show is easily the most sexually graphic show that I have ever seen and is likely banned in many regions because of it.



I have a similar post on my page... kindly see its on sexual health

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