Ridley Scott’s HMS Terror - A scary delicacy for sailors

in #netflix6 years ago (edited)

The AMC Network released history series about frightful destiny of HMS Terror and HMS Erebor crew

There are many heavy stories to hear related to sailing in past centuries. This series is produced with tedious effort for details and there is many good acting to be seen. The AMC Network has became famous for the Walking Dead series. There is no need for introducing Ridley Scott. We have been looking forward to this show, because we wanted to see good big-budget sailing story from history. Why HMS Terror and HMS Erebor are the best idea?

Things that show will not to tell you

During expansion voyages, the death had become common worry between sailors. Most of them were counting about it before going offshore, but this case will make your blood run cold. Before the half of the 19th century came, most of the planet’s lands have been discovered. The Arctic expeditions have become the main source of glory, besides wars and protecting The East India Trading Company.

In 1840 there was still some strategic discoveries to be found in naval world. The greatest quest of the time was to find the Northwestern Passage from England to Canada's territories. After centuries of sailors glory, the ships have been “properly” developed at that time, with modern equipment like steam engine, steel platting or canned food provisioning. Two ship had been chosen. Our best effort is to bring you information without spoilers, so let check some bio about the ships and circumstances for the mission.

HMS Erebus

It's own shipwreck has been found in 2014. Formerly designed as a bomb vessel for protecting the Mediterranean sea. After two years and refit, she was sent to Tasmania for departure to Antarctica with HMS Terror. Both ships have made huge successes there. Founding Ross Ice Shelf, studying magnetism and making experiments in many scientific fields. They were naming landscapes after politicians, themselves and also after the ships. Both ships has been sunken long ago, but you can still found Mount Erebus and Mount Terror on the Ross Island. The discovery of the America was long past at that time already. The both ship’s crews were considered as heroes after returning home.

HMS Terror

An older ship than Erebus, also made as bomb ship in Devon. As a warship she had gone throughout several battles, also in war with the United States in 1812 as a part of blockade. During those times, the name Terror became proper because they were not just blocking US import. Under command of John Sheridan, she raided several port and islands of the enemy, bombard fortresses and engage in several big battles. A few years after the war, the Terror has been sent for short period to the Mediterranean. She took serious damage near Lisbon and went off the sea for major repair. The ship has been refit and equipped for polar exploration. Among with HMS Erebus, as two ships with legendary reputation they were sent to find new way to King William Island. It’s wreck has been found just two years ago, in 2016. The name Terror was supposed to bring fear to the enemies as it was constructed as warship formerly.

Show is handled out pretty good

We do not want to spoil the story of the series for you, but even if you don't know, their voyage was disaster full of cruel events. The pilot starts when first expedition is sent to find what happened to the ships and their crew. From the first point of view there are several things in which this tv-show is starring. Casting, acting performance, costume, properties and sets design. Details such as tools, plates, cutlery, old products design were crafted with perfection and detail for history. The appearance is not real, it is shot by same technology as Ridley’s motion picture The Martian.

The mood of the show is just as we expected. It is not like silly goosebump horror show, you can feel the seriousness of the situation in every scene and dialogue, despite the situation and persons. There are mysterious elements in the story, which we consider as quite unnecessary. The proven story of the crew is so strong and emotional that we think about this as junk added by the screenplay writers. It is obvious, that atmosphere reached the crew-members souls back them. Paranoia from diseases and polar bears must gone wildly in their minds. Ridley Scott decided to make series as adaptation of novel.

Is not story strong enought without the myths?

The opposite view about unnatural aspects of show’s story can be found if you look about the information we posses about the true fate of both vessels. Their wrecks has been found just few years ago. The myths had become theme of explorations who were supposed to found them. Except things found in the ice, the local civilisations were the only sources of information. For centuries it looked that Erebus and Terror just disappeared. The people have been looking for them for more than 150 years.

Some time before this series production has been planned, there was a guy who made HMS Terror DIY model kit for sale. It looks that his business started booming. He also started blogging more about the show, as he appreciates work had been done by the production team.

We know that this heavy show to watch because of thrilling atmosphere but it is worth it. Maybe in the bad times you will found your problems less burdening in compare to theirs. As we know the history a little, we afraid that there will be just a few of sailing action. Nevertheless, there you can see spirit of discoverers at the end of their glory.

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