I canceled Netflix over their new so-called-comedy "Dear White People" which is nothing but communist propaganda and hate creation.

in #netflix8 years ago

I am not Pro-Black nor Pro-White but Now I have $143.88 extra to spend per year thanks to this #netflix stupidity, I have subscribed as a premium user for, I dunno - some years now, but this last fiasco from this liberal company got me to re-think my priorities and cut them off my payroll.

I am a Dear White Subscriber, well ex-subscriber now

I am not going to pay for this PROPAGANDA!

If there is one thing I truly hate more than anything is propaganda disguised as comedy. I have already seen enough leftist propaganda and communistic traditional Marxist multiculturalistic mainstream comedy in my life to have stopped watching Television a long time ago and I did have some hope for Netflix but that hope is gone with their new series "Dear White People" (See Trailer below):

When a Television-Series tells me what I can and cannot do - it is Propaganda - It is the use of Power which is in the mass media to brainwash as many as possible to surrender unto their thinking, and that is what I refuse to do, so I canceled my membership.

We all know they got the election wrong - but prior to it, they produced a bunch of retarded television-series designed to air under Hillary Clinton

Prior to the Presidential Election the media, the studios, the distribution networks knew that Hillary Clinton would become the next president of the USA, so a whole bunch of movies and tv-series has been created to keep the leftist anti-white agenda going stronger (notice she says that you cannot dress up to Halloween as President Obama or the next President who would be Hillary Clinton) Except - The Distribution-Networks, the Studios, The Media was dead wrong in their predictions - Hillary Clinton did not win.

I Am Not an American and my Family has never owned a slave ever

I am proud of my people - the Norwegians - the Vikings - because we built our country with our own hands, we live in some of the world's toughest conditions with extreme winters, springs, summers and falls. So this loser-agenda to make me feel less because I am a "Dear White Man" or a "White Privileged Man" does nothing but losing the pushers of this stupid and dangerous agenda money and time.

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Thank you for the post.

I am an American and not only has my family NEVER owned slaves, my Scottish and Irish ancestors were slaves. Don't let the idiots tell you that whites were never slaves, I know this personally. They were. I would say WE, but I wasn't there, some of my ancestors were.

White people didn't start slavery. They ended it.

Look up this movie Hidden Figures. It's more of the same, hating on whitey, and ginning up pure fiction about how the brain power of everyone except white males built civilization, and taken us to space. Nonsense.

Am I calling for the extermination of everyone except whitey? Absolutely not, but I am tired of being judged by the color of my skin and my biological sex, by the same people who are screaming against it.

wow, great story @lifeworship, I may have to check out that movie.
My grandmother (white) was sold as a maid to a larger farm when she was nine years old, she became free when she married my grandfather, times were tough back then they told me.

It must have been 40 or 50 years now since the first colored man came to Norway, a Norwegian looked at him and said "Hei" which is Norwegian for "Hello".

I have worked with teams and communities my entire career, we work great together from all countries and cultures when we have the same goal - but with these instigators wanting to stir up fights and arguments to make people act ugly to each other is not good. I do not want to support extreme people or corporations who treat humanity as nothing more then lab-rats and tax-farm-animals.

A lemon will never be sweet no matter how funny television says it is.

Agreed. If we can all be free to exercise our strengths, we can go somewhere great. Fighting amongst ourselves only tears us apart, but no one should be forced to agree.

I don't know whether my grand-grand.. had slaves, but I'm sure that my direct ansector, say, 50 generations ago, almost definitely ate some other ansector. I have not a minimal wish to apologize for my grrr.......dad's dinner .

Lol... that is most likely true

Cannibalism was accepted back before farming and raising animals happened... then we decided that eating eachother was not soo cool

Im in full agreement ! Great post , im getting so tired of hearing White people constantly being cut down , joked about and laughed at all the time on tv! And for some time now ! And why is it OK for them to riddacule white people, but heaven forbid you dare say one thing back about a black person or any other color for that matter ! 👍😲😨

Totally. I am so sick of this Black-Supremacy/White-Supremacy/Gay-Supremacy/Lesbian-Supremacy/Islam-Supremacy/Christian-Supremacy!/Idiot-Supremacy/Loser-Supremacy etc etc etc.....!

It is all George Soros Politics!

You and me both !! Enough is definitly enough all ready !👍

That is why I love Steemit. No color involved anywhere!

I totally agree.

Big Corporations owned by White People are going berserk. They better put down their racist hypocrisy or they are going to lose their loyal, generous subscribers.

I hate how the terms African-American and other whatever-Americans is used here. If you were born in America you are just plain American. I have met those who are truly from another country but that is a different matter. I have had this discussion with my friends that are of all different shaedes and they tend to agree.

Brilliant! I am from South Africa and I cancelled my Netflix just yesterday!

I would hope you reconsider your cancellation of Netflix.

Please remember that a LOT of people work for Netflix, and no one person has a hand in ALL of their original serieses. Each original series is the pet project of one producer or another, and most of those producers do not work for Netflix itself. They simply made a distribution deal WITH Netflix.

By cancelling your Netflix subscription, you are punishing the creators of the aforementioned show. However, you are also punishing hundreds of other shows, producers, and Netflix employees who had nothing to do with the show in question.

As Steemit's most prominent Netflix critic, I can tell you that I will not be watching Dear White People, but I will not let that one show's existence sour me on all the other wonderful things Netflix has done. I hope you will reconsider.

It is worthy. Thank you for sharing the story with us. @fyrstikken

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