Circulating Photo of Female Army Shoot Dead Palestinian Nurse Razan Najjar

in #nesw6 years ago


Razan Najjar's name became a worldwide conversation.
He was a young nurse, only 21 years old when he was shot dead by soldiers.
At that time he was performing his duties as a nurse amid peaceful action in Gaza.
Afterwards circulating photographs of soldiers who killed Razan in Gaza.

Launching from Instagram @the_emancipated, the woman who shot Razan had the name Rebecca, unknown last name, "She is a born and raised woman in Boston, United States. Despite US citizenship, at the age of 18 he left everything he had to come to Israel and live there. He enrolled in the Israeli Security Forces (IDF) as an army specializing in education. But after that, he decided that he was more suitable on the field. Currently, he is a trained soldier in IDF Field Intelligence, maintaining a home he knows and he loves, "quoted from the Facebook page


Israeli forces reportedly killed Razan Najjar on Friday (1/6/2018), as Razan tried to help a wounded protester at the Gaza border. Reported by from the Reuters website, according to health officials and witnesses, while Israel said the militants had attacked his troops with gunfire and grenades. Razan al-Najar's death brought to 119 the number of Palestinians killed in weekly demonstrations that began on March 30 in the Gaza Strip, an area controlled by the Islamist group Hamas. Najar, a 21-year-old medical volunteer, was shot as he ran towards a heavily fortified border fence, east of southern Gaza City, Khan Younis, in an attempt to reach the victim, a witness said. Wearing a white uniform, "he raised his hands high in a clear way, but the Israeli soldiers opened fire and he was right on the chest," the witness, who asked not to be named, told Reuters. An Israeli military spokesman did not immediately comment on Najar's killing. Israeli officers had previously said that sniper soldiers targeted only those who showed threat, but bullets sometimes targeted unpredictable targets. Gaza medical officials say at least 100 Palestinians were wounded by soldiers firing at Friday's mass demonstrations. ![image]()
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