Neoxian City Photo Challenge: Autumn

Here is my entry to the Neoxian City Photo Challenge. The topic is "Autumn," which is fortunately a favorite subject of mine at this moment!

For weeks I have been getting out on photo walks every chance I get. I've posted some of the pictures I'm providing here in various blog posts, but this will be the best of the best. These pictures represent my top picks of all the photos I have taken this fall.

As one of the contest requirements is to share the location of the picture, I will organize them by where they were taken.

"Purgatory" Dog Park

I walk my dog at this park often. She gets to be off the leash and she loves to run and play there.



The Path Near My Office

There is a wonderful trail right outside my office where I can walk for miles through woods, past residential areas and through an enormous park. I often go out after work, although I will not be able to do so for much longer as the days are getting shorter.




Centennial Lakes

This is my favorite urban park. I've gone there several times this fall, on my own for a solitary walk and with my family.





Regional Walking Trail

These pictures are from another favorite trail, which I regularly walk with my husband. We like to go year 'round, in any weather. But there is some lovely foliage along the trail this time of year.




North Shore - Grand Marais, MN

The area we call "The North Shore" is a long stretch of coast running along Lake Superior in Northern Minnesota. My girls and I took a trip up there this fall and stayed in the beautiful town of Grand Marais. The leaves were just starting to turn.





The Streets of My Home Town

The following is by far the largest set. I very often just set out from my home in Minnesota and walk around the local neighborhoods where there are some absolutely stunning trees. They are beautiful when they are green, and even more beautiful when they turn colors in the fall. These pictures were taken on about three or four such walks.












About the Camera

I wish I could say I was using a really nice Nikon or Canon, but the fact is, all of these pictures were taken with my trusty iPhone X.

Thanks so much for visiting my post!

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I wonder if kids still iron colored leaves in between wax paper anymore in school?

Great images.

In Lak'ech,


That is a good question. We used to do things like that with the kids, but I don’t remember them doing it in school.

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There is a dog park named Purgatory? That's awesome!

I love the beautiful fall colors in all of these photos, especially your home street. These are gorgeous.

Thank you, @blockurator. Yes, isn’t that an awesome name? There is a creek by that name and I’m pretty sure it runs quite a ways because there are two Purgatory Parks in two adjacent towns.

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Thanks for your participation on our previous photography contest NEOXIAN CITY PHOTO CHALLENGE - WEEK : #6, You can join our this week photography contest NEOXIAN CITY PHOTO CHALLENGE - WEEK : #7. Here is your previous contest participation bonus.

!neoxag 16

Tapestry of colours, what a joy to be out walking at this time of the year in your region @jayna

Thank you so much for sharing the photography is superb, reflections off water some of my favourites.

Thanks, @joanstewart! It really does make it a thrill to be out walking. I love water reflections too. My state is called “The Land of 10,000 Lakes,” so we are never far from one.

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This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie


Wow! love all the beautiful photos!

Thanks @hafizullah! Glad you stopped by.

I take most pictures to with my iPhone max 😉 But this colorchallenge and colorfull blog is wonderful

Thanks @brittandjosie! Fall color is so fun, isn't it?

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @hafizullah on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.

Thank you so much for the curation, @hafizullah and @innerblocks!

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These are some very beautiful photos! I was hoping, after your mentioning it, we'd get a shot of "the big lake they call Gitche Gumee." :)

I would have but there are no fall trees in the lake. Ha ha! But I'll share one here that I took from an overlook on our trip. And I did provide some glimpes in a few posts. See To the lighthouse and On the shores of Lake Superior. The Lake is so enormous that it boggles the mind. You can't see the other side because of the curvature of the earth. Its "area" is 31,700 miles. Really amazing to see it. For photographers, the only way to capture it in some fashion is along the shoreline or when there are visible ships.


Oh, there Will be more leaves ;)

They do tend to come around again. But many have fallen now!

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