The forgiving palace

in #neoxianfan6 years ago
  • ~ The forgiving palace ~ *


One day, Rasulullah SAW was gathering with his companions.
In the middle of conversation with the friends, suddenly Rasulullah SAW laugh lightly to see his front teeth.

Umar r.a. who was there, asked:
"what makes you laugh O Messenger of Allah?"

Rasulullah SAW replied:
"I am told the Angel, that on the Day of Judgment, there are two people who sit on their knees while bowing their heads in the presence of Allah SWT."

"One complained to God and said:

'Oh Rabb, get this man good for me because he used to do wrong to me.'

Allah SWT says:
"How can I take the good of your brother, for there is no good in him at all?"

The man said:
"O Rabb, then, let my sins be borne by him"

Up here, the eyes of the Prophet Muhammad tears.
Rasulullah SAW is unable to withstand the teardrops.

  • She cried ... *

Then, the Messenger of Allah said:

  • _ "That day is such a tense day, where every human wants someone else to bear his or her sins." _ *

Rasulullah SAW continues his story.

Then God said to the man who complained:

  • "Now raise your head .." *

The man raised his head, and he said:

"_Ya Rabb, I see in front of me * there are palaces made of gold, with a castle and throne made of gold & silver diamond-encrusted diamond * ..!" _

_ "The palaces for which Prophet, huh Rabb?" _

_ "For which shiddiq person, huh Rabb?" _

_ "For which Martyr, yes Rabb?" _

Allah SWT says:

  • _ "The palace is given to people who can afford the price." _ *

The man said:

  • _ "Who is able to pay the price, yes Rabb?" _ *

Allah says:

  • "You can afford to pay the price." *

The man was amazed, saying:

  • _ "In what way am I paying it, yes Rabb?" _ *

Allah says:

_ * 'THE WAY, YOU WANT your brother who sits next to you, whom you insult his tyranny to me'. * _

The man said:

  • _ "Yes Rabb, now I forgive him." _ *

Allah says:

_ * 'Then, hold your brother's hand, and invite him to enter paradise with you ... "* _

After telling the story, the Holy Prophet said:

  • _ "Serve you to Allah and should you MOST COMFORTABLE and FORGIVING, verily Allah reconciles the problems that occur among the Muslims." _ *

  • (The above story is contained in a hadith narrated by Imam al-Hakim, with a sane sanad.) *

  • My beloved brothers ... *
    The high-value heart praises in the presence of God are * apologizing, forgiving, and forgiving each other ... *

  • "Forgive myself my friends and my brother if ever hurt you .. May we together enter paradise ..." *

  • regards brotherhood *

  • آمين آمين آمين يا رب العالمين ..... *

  • "apologize for all wrong And wrong" *

Welcome to the coming of Holy Month of Ramadan.

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