Negative person is a killer of dreams...............

in #negative7 years ago (edited)

 Do you remember how you ever believed that everything was possible? Then the reality of your life "put in place" and your dreams faded. You have probably experienced the following situation on your back. You are enthusiastic about the chance that has caught you, you share with someone you think will give you support, and he uses cold water in your neck.


A negative person is a killer of dreams and he can keep you away from truly amazing life. In fact, it can keep you away from your dream life. As a rule, the envy and negative attitude of the surrounding is formed by the qualities of the person. Pride and ambition always attract attention and hatred from bad people. If adversaries are hostile, your energy envelope is deformed, and problems arise that lead to disease states and financial losses.

Negative information and thoughts take a lot of energy and destroy the field of success. When a few people treat you hostile, your energy weakens and attracts the unpleasant situations like a magnet.

How to protect ourselves from the negative impact of the bad emotions ?


Many religious doctrines use the practice of forgiveness, simply forgiving the envious and treating with love the enemy. This is hardly feasible. On the other hand, insult and hatred provoke evil-doers to evil deeds and actions. The most effective way of defending enemies and envoys is to strengthen our spiritual powers and create a protective envelope of their bio field.

It is very important not to let ourselves down and learn to We control our emotions. It is desirable to keep in mind that our energy field is defenseless when it is at the peak of some emotion. Energy vampires strive to create a conflict that causes irritation and aggression to gain life force. Staying in a relaxed and peaceful state, your energy body will retain in harmonium !

You will find it difficult to see the sun if you are in the shadow of the negativism of the people around you. Look for positive people to help you get back on balance. Just as the negative person drank you, the positive one lifts you.

Find out who the positive people are in your life and start to communicate more often with them. A quick coffee or dinner at the end of the day will do the job.


And above all: Decide that you will not allow negative people to determine your mood or to  influence your senses. Focus on your own goals, the positive energy inside you. And continue on your way !


Dont forget to join us in Discord Whaleshares !



                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me !


Thanks! It's good to be reminded of this once in a while. I completely agree with your post and want to add something.

If you are in a position where you have to deal with neg people, simply give no fucks... it sounds silly 'cause it kinda is, but it helps.

Take no shit and give no fucks (and smile while your doing it).

Magic sauce!

That is really smart!

Ha ha maybe will help , will try next time !

Haha, I do this all the time and people wonder why Im not fazed. If only they understood.

Working with a vampire is hard enough..more so when living together. Do you mean doing yoga and meditation to strengthen oneself spiritually?

There are some easy rituals , i see them when i reserch the topik maybe will think about post them :) No idea if works but why not :)

They might work and some might have already done them. A toxic person can easily drain one's energy and yeah, we need to protect ourselves from such people..who have no idea of their effect whatsoever. Thanks.

Stay positive , and smile !

And so must we.. ;) ;)

My husband and I have been discussing this at length - it relates very much to quantum entanglement! We have opted to cut out negative people (even family) from entering our home. Re painting the walls and adding art that is positive. Speaking positively to each other and our kids. Praying when we feel negatives creeping in (oh wow how this relates to electromagnetics, the heart brain, house plants, earth and nature, positive affirmation, health, surrender). Thank you for sharing! Upvoted, resteemed!!

Good for you - really passionately believe that too!

Resently i read some rituals about keep positive , even didnt know they exist . And stay on distance with negative people always helps . Have a nice time and stay positive !

Negativity is a dream smasher!

nice post ! upped and followed

Thank you :)

Be positive +

Stay positive +

I understand what you are saying, but there are those that take 'thinking positively' to unhealthy extremes. I read recently about a popular youtube 'positive thinking' celeb that actually blamed rape victims for what happened to them, for not thinking positively enough. True enlightenment means facingthe world as it is, in all its beauty and all its ugliness.

And even you see the ugly world , search for the positive parts !

Your post is nice and useful may you increase success in steemit and do, i will be successful as you become famous and useful for many people, sekalo lagoli gratitude with me read your post I am inspired.
I have also post but no progress @patelincho thank you

I have also post but no progress help me thank you only to you dare I ask thank @patelincho

it is rather hard to do it. and yes the religous doctrine teach us to always caring and loving to those hatred and envious person.

Other way we will become same negative :)

that is the things that we must overcome just like what you said in your post. 😃

I hope we can just stay positive !

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