Should Starship Troopers have a game franchise of its own?
Back again with something new here. I recently got finished watching some scenes and footage of the latest movie, Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars. And it got me thinking, how would this be if there was a game about it? In my humble opinion Starship Troopers is the perfect base for a first/third person co op horde shooter, with a good and tangible story. For those of you who may not know, Starship Troopers is basically a sci fi universe where humanity has achieved the ability to travel beyond the stars and has came to be at war with an arachnid race that pretty much seeks to expand and infest worlds. Granted Starship Troopers is rated as a B movie, but growing up with the original movies and seeing the potential that this franchise has. What the gaming universe is in need of is a game that can rival if not surpass the current game franchises we have today.
To elaborate further on the story, the first Starship Troopers was about a rich kid by the name of Johnny Rico, his girlfriend Carmen Ibanez, and his best friend Carl all decide to sign up together to serve the Federation, and in Starship Troopers there is high military propaganda about serving the Federation whose slogan is "Service Guarantees Citizenship!". But in doing so all three get into separate categories within the Federation, Rico is sent to mobile infantry, Carmen becomes part of Fleet academy, and Carl goes into Games and Theory (Military Intelligence). Fast forward later into the story, Earth is hit by asteroid launched from the bug home world sending Rico into a grueling and bloody war with the bugs. With how the story in Starship Troopers has evolved over the years, from live action movie to animated it would be perfect for them to branch it into something new.
Thinking of it now, Starship Troopers needs to have a game made because with current technology it could most definitely be an interesting, fun and memorable experience. Not to mention how today some games are designed beautifully yet are poorly done, where as their predecessors, despite their looks, are still fun and are worth re playing. And I mean the classics from early consoles and gaming developement such as Xbox original, PlayStation 1 & 2, Sega Dreamcast and etc. But as I was saying, I believe Starship Troopers could be the very next best gaming franchise that may even be very successful. With the games we have today it would be nice to see something somewhat new, and benefit from a totally fresh experience as well. "Would you like to know more?"
What do you think, would you agree?
And btw here is a link to a video that really got me started on this, I definitely want this to become a game!
Starship Troopers-"Traitor of Mars" best fight scene: