Needlework Monday – What I have in my work today

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago

Hi, my Steemit colleagues on hobby !!!

  Today is the #NeedleworkMonday!!! Finally, I finished crochet 1.5 meters of lace for the bottom of my dress :)



  This is only half the project: I need to do as much as I did. The beginning is already laid! :)


lace pattern

  At the same time, I began to knit a winter bag for the winter. Usually I go with backpacks but on my shoulder I have a simple light bag for what should not be in the backpack but at hand. This is the back of the bag. For the front side, I have a picture I want to make with knitting needles. If I succeed, I'll show you :)


I wish you creative inspiration and look forward to your work !!!


#NeedleworkMonday by @crosheille


I really like this lace design @tali72 and honestly I actually thought about how nice it would look like at the end of a dress and I have a picture of exactly how pretty it would look. IMG_20180711_093608_398.jpg
I like the colour of your winter bag, it could pair with anything.

you're right! this dress with a lace looks great

This is such beautiful lace and also a very good idea for when a skirt or a dress is too short. Looking forward to seeing the finished project on the model!

You are right!!! I have never thought of making my own lace to 'repair' a too short dress ( I have two, for which I could need a lace border). Thank you @tali72 for sharing the pattern.

this is a very good idea, girls! but in my case the dress does not need it. I just want to decorate it a little :)

I've seen this idea of lengthening a dress somewhere on the net @neumannsalva , and I've also seen it done very successfully with fabric, i.e. not lace.
Well, length issues or not, I'm really looking forward to seeing the final dress with lace border @tali72 !

I'm thinking about doing some lace crocheting for the bottom of a T-Shirt which shrank in the wash. But though I love the shirt I'm not sure I want to crochet with such thin yarn...

Thread crochet just takes a little adjustment--and good eyesight for reading charts and seeing tiny loops. It is worth the effort.

Of course this is not the only option to save your favorite thing. you can make beautiful inserts of fabric or lace, you can knit or crochet. there is a very big choice. decide what you prefer

The pattern for the bag look so interesting! I cannot recognise it ... is it a kind of moss stitch? And I love the slightly tweedy grey yarn - I am very curios to see the finished knit :-D

the yarn looks very impressive: the color is saturated with a light shine. but to the touch it is not very pleasant so I decided to use it for a winter bag. I use the simplest pattern for the back: we call it "rice" :) it gives me the required convex texture.

Delicate lace. Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pattern

I'll be glad if the pattern scheme is useful to you :)

I love love the lace pattern! That is delicate yarn, so it will take a long time to finish. Your bag will look so good when it is done, and the color is perfect!

thank you, dear! if I only knit this lace then the work would be done more quickly. but I often postpone it because of working on another thing so before that time has not finished it yet. and now instead of first finishing this lace I began to knit a bag :)

I am there with you on this dilemma...I am doing that at the moment, starting another project before finishing the previous one :-)

@tali72 so much hardwork after you got this masterpiece of lace

that's for sure! but I hope that the final result will be good :)

The lace piece is so pretty! Will you show us the dress with the lace attached once finished?

Your knit work on the bag is lovely ~

thank you, my dear!!!! I hope that the dress will look better with a lace :) Have a nice day!

You’re welcome! I’m sure it will! 😊

So much patience crocheting that lace @tali72, well done!... I'm also curious about the bag 😊

Thank you so much!!! I take this knitting wherever I go and if I have to wait, I knit to not waste time.

Beautiful work!!!

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