Needlework Monday: Upcycled, Insulated Curtain (WIP)

Hello fellow crafters! I finally have a work in progress again (hooray), which means I have clawed my way out of the winter do-nothings (and am doing something when I am still in the winter fuck-that-weather-I'm-staying-homes 😅). This week I have been working on my upcycled, insulated curtain for my sliding glass door to nowhere in the living room.


How is it upcycled? A lot of the fabric is old clothes I cut up to reuse their fabric. Just in the above photo, there is fabric from three shirts, one skirt, and a pair of pants.

See? Pants. The top part where I put the grommets in to hold the hooks - which, btw, are shower curtain hooks, lol - are an old pair of courderoys

Earlier progress shot, another shirt fabric on the far right

The insulating layer will consist of an old blanket (that has holes) and old thermal shirts.

On the bottom far left, part of an old dress

I'm even using up old thread - most of my thread stash is inherited and decades old (yes, some of them break a lot, but others are fine). How old? Some of my spools are from Woolworth's. We haven't had a Woolworth's here since the early-mid 90s, but they might be even older than that (I got those spools from my aunt. She has MS and couldn't sew anymore, so she gave me her old machine and all her sewing supplies).


I am just now almost done with Row Two of patchwork, and have lots to go. But it will be so worth it when it's done, because that window is so nice for sun, but so drafty in cold! I am thinking an old bedsheet will be the outer layer on the back, but am not certain. I'll have to see what I have in the stash. Happy crafting!


Up cycled patchwork is so fun!! The best part is doing like you did in the photos and being able to point out what (and whose) garment particular patches came from :)

I think so too. :)

I like the idea of recycling all these materials. I'm cross with myself now because I discarded all my old camis when I replaced them earlier this year. They were cotton, lovely and soft, and would have been perfect wadding. Be interested to see the finished curtain .. and the sliding glass door to nowhere 😎

Aw, don't be angry with yourself, I give away some things, too. :) I will post when it is complete for sure!

I've tried learning to sew many times, for whatever reason I just don't get it. Everyone says its easy, but I still admire anyone who can do it. What a great way to upcycle old fabrics! ❤

I tend to be a wing it and make it up as I go experimentor, lol.

Excellent post good article and photography dear @phoenixwren

Great work must take a while I was planning a throw out of my old clothes been on the cards for a while, always gets put off though ! 💯🐒

I understand! It's not an easy task to go through clothes like that. I am due for another round of it, too, but I haven't. 😂

Haha one day hey! 💯🐒

Once I get a room to set up my sewing equipment, I definitely want to start upcycling old thrift store clothing! I've done it before and made myself a nice dress - great way to save money ;)

Indeed. I am the one with the depression era ethic in my family: use it up, wear it out...

Ironically. Purses that I bought to upcycled online are not selling so I see myself doing this with them, only repurposing them into some kind of steempunk storage container. I'm also very excited cause tmrw I pick up my big craft table from my sister's and will be setting it up. I'll never leave my woman cave!!!

LOL we'll have to tempt you out with pretty rocks and cats!

Yes!! I do find myself missing sunshine tho and will have to make more an effort to get out in it.

I always like to see upcycled projects. We spend so much money on new materials when we could save so much just by looking through our old things.

It is way too easy to spend tons at the fabric or yarn store! When I saw the price of denim, I thought "it would be MORE expensive to sew jeans than buy them!"

Exactly! Smart move you made to do it this way.

Great use of worn out clothing and stuff. Quilting everything together for insulation should work well.

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