Two cropped sweaters for fall

Still not ready with nothing… My mother’s dress is waiting to be cut and sewn, and my cropped pullover is also not finished. But I can whitewash explain my slow progress. With the dress you perhaps guessed already right: I am frightened to destroy it. As the warm weather is slowly ending, I must hurry up with this (Go Simone, go! No excuses please) My plan is to finish it this week.

And with the cropped sweater, there maybe was a tiny distraction, like a second sweater I started :-DDD. No I am not planless and confuse, in the contrary, I had a valid reason to start something new, while not having finished the first project (perhaps here comes the whitewashing :-DD)

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As you can see on the photos, I made two cropped sweaters for fall, one in mustard and one in green. I started this project some weeks months ago with a little trepidation, because I have never used this method before, so I had to guess the fit.

As you all already know I do love top-down constructions in knitting and crochet, because my size guessing genes are not developed and the top-down method is (for me) the easiest to adapt during knitting. Soooo (you know what will come) I started this sweater and have chosen the wrong size… two times. The first time I frogged everything because I had again chosen the size 'Arnold Schwarzenegger' for the shoulders. The second time I so badly wanted to complete this project, that instead of unravelling, I started the sweater in a different colour anew and directly incorporated my changes.

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The sweater is again by the superb Designer Andi Satterlund who also created the Miette cardigan. And it seems, that her designs are generally for bigger busted woman with wide shoulders and a tiny waist. Summarized: not me :-D But nevertheless I love her designs. The sweater is a free pattern and you can find it on her blog.
(For the second mustard sweater I have deepened the armholes because I hate don’t like a tight fit under the armpit, I made the body some rows longer and I plan to knit the sleeves smaller. We will see how this works out :-D )

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This pullover is started with a rectangular back piece. The next step are the two fronts which are casted on together with the rounded neckline. After this the two fronts are connected and knitted to the same height as the back panel. Now the easy part: knitting the body in the round up to the hemline which has a bit of stranded colourwork.
As the sleeve construction intimidated me, I proceeded instead with the ribbing of the neckline. After this I have sewn in most of the yarnends…. And I then ran out of believable excuses and took heart…

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The Sleeves – such a nice construction. You start with short rows which form the sleeve cap. I have never knitted short rows, but with Tashas tutorial it was easy… First you cast on the complete sleeve stitches and then you only knit the stitches at the top of the sleeve cap and with every row, you add two more stitches. If the whole cap is formed the sleeve is knitted in the round or – as I prefer – flat.
No sewing in the sleeves - jippiehhhh

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I am still on the second sleeve and I only can present you very informal try on photos. Instead I made many work-in-progress photos at Zeche Ewald an old coal mine which is today used for music concerts and exhibitions. Just for fun my husband and I changed roles :-DDD
Happy #needleworkmonday to you all and thank you @crosheille and @crystalize for hosting and caring


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This is an interesting construction - her designs have a lovely vintage look, don't they? I like many of the features: low neckline, 3/4 sleeves, cropped length ... I would have to have a cardigan, though 😊. The short row sleeve cap is a good idea, and no sewing! I love the mustard colour 😍

Yes - real vintages vibes. I loooove her new sunburst cardigan But I think it is not only the pattern but the wool which makes it so lovely (and perhaps Andi herself, who looks amazing in these vintage cropped sweater)
I think most of her newer designs use the short row sleeves, so I thought before buying a pattern, I better try this construction with a cheap wool and a free pattern.
And I am also super into mustard :-DDD

The sunburst cardigan is lovely! Look forward to seeing some creations 😊

oh noooo the pattern came out today... and I bought it - I could not resist. It is now on ravlery and if you are interested, there is a discount (I tempt you a bit)

Love it!!

Thank youuuu <3

I always enjoy reading your fun, funny and adventurous journeys! I love the way that green sweater is fitting on you so far. I love the blue trimming too! It’s always exciting starting on a new project especially when you’ve worked on another for awhile.

I love the switched roles! How fun!! 😄

Looking forward to seeing both of these sweaters finished! Thank you for sharing another great post with us that includes some of your process along the way ;D

So much fun!! I think my husband looks way more professional while knitting than me :-DDD
And with the green sweater: I am still unsure if the fit is too narrow. I know that the pattern is written with negative ease, but I m unsure if I could wear it. The yellow one should be a bit wider and longer...
Thank you for always taking time to read and comment <3 <3

Well I’m hoping both sweaters fit you to the T!! 😉😃

It’s always a pleasure ~ 😘

Your cropped sweaters are so cuuuuuuuuuuuute @neumannsalva! And, is that a man I see there working on a sweater? How did you pull that off...LOL! Love the mustard color. Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you, my dear!

'the man' is my husband and he taught me to crochet :-D But the knitting was staged. We made so many funny photos, too much to share. But the whole scenery is lovely, it a coal mine with little ponds and beautiful old buildings and artworks.
And with the mustard: I love it too (sadly cheap yarn..) I think of making the colourwork for the mustard sweater in violet or in a muted green... still undecided.

wow !!!! I really like your sweater. you wonderfully picked up the second color of the yarn: it is very refreshing the base color. The sweater on you perfectly sits and looks very cozy. you made me laugh the size of "Arnold Schwarzenegger" :))))))

Thank you <3 And the yarn choice was my mother :-D I firstly wanted to combine the green with a vilet, but was unsure if it was ok... I than thought about this light blue and my mother supported this decision :-D
And you would have laughed more if you had seen the first sweater... I realy made a size which was like me two times. I have no idea why I have chosen this super big size (and knitted happily on without recognising my mistake)

Those sweaters are super cute! You always make your projects seem so effortless and fun! 😊

Thank you <3 But I am simply good in knitting acting faking:-DDD No really, nothing is simple for me, as I wrote, I had to unravel two times and still I am not sure the fit is ok (now it is too small for my liking) But making the photos was really fun. I love to search for beautiful and special sites :-D

Nicely done! Love the green sweater.

Thank you. I am also happy I learned how to make short rows, perhaps I will now try a more complicated pattern from Andi Satterlund :-D

Great sweater progress @neumannsalva... Thank you for the links - I've never attempted that sort of sleeve using short rows; it looks great and no sewing 😁

yeah - the nemesis - sewing... ;-D
Did you browsed through Tashas site? She makes so beautiful vintage dresses and sweaters. I am always amazed how someone can make such beautiful things. And she can explain techniques very well.
The same goes for Andi Satterlund. If I had a smaller figure, I would perhaps knit ever pattern she has written (now I have to chose and adapt... :-D)

I did browse, @neumannsalva, and thank you so much for giving me welcome distractions 😁 The garments are beautiful but a bit too fitted for my normal 'casual' style.
The tutorials are great and from there I found these knitted squares... Guess what I will be knitting next 😁

oh distraction, I know them so well.... it's like: I just visit ravelry to check my mails... 2 hours later I have list of 10 sweaters I instantly want to knit :-DDD
And you are right, I find the designs also very fitted. I modified them a bit and made less waist decreases, to fit me better (but secretly I hope the garments will make me look like her :-D)
The squares look beautiful but complicated. I am looking forward to hearing of your experience with them.

Nice sweaters - I like doing the shoulder-arm-part with short rows.

I always have real good reasons for starting a new project. But that leads to things like the bag with the 3/4 done sweater hiding in a corner of my bedroom... So I feel quite proud with only three active projects ;)

For me the short rows were a first time... (still so much to learn) But I love this so much more than sewing sleeves into armholes :-D
And with the new projects: perhaps there is a higher (crafting) power which unconsciously influences us to constantly start something new :-DDD

I like the colours of all your sweaters (especially the one with blue bottom)! Knitting sweaters are still pretty daunting for me... Need to brave myself and try. I keep losing count when I knit, ending up with holes which I do not know how to fix except to unravel the whole thing! Haha. Your photos are so fun to see :) Thank you for sharing your site visits around with your husband. Hehe cute of the two of you to switch roles. Does he really know how to knit?

No he cannot knit... we staged it :-D But he can crochet and he was the one who taught me.
With the stitch count: I always write my rows down, if not I would totally forget where I am in the pattern. And I mostly knit in the round... not so much counting :-D I am sadly also no good in repairing mistakes in knitting - this is so much easier in crochet. But as you can crochet so beautiful, there is no necessity for knitting (I only started because my hands hurt from crochet)

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