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RE: Summer slump and a heart attack (not really, only a sewing question)

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

Yes the face.... :-DDD
And thank you for the envelope neckline - this seems much more logical than the German naming :-D
And with the jersey: I have sewn many jersey skirts with a zig zag stitch, because no overlock on my side. They seem to be ok....But I seldom wash my handmade skirts, which I think is especially hard on poorly made seams.
And the question with the sewing for my mother's dress is, if it will look ok, if I simply cut out the elastic and sew everything back together (I fear my English is too bad to explain my idea) Perhaps it would be better to insert a different fabric to link the top and the skirt part of her dress (after I cut out the elastic)... sigh... I do not speak 'sewing' fluently :-DD

And I absolutey love alpacas and llamas. We sometime ago visited therapy alpacas and llamas and I was allowed to pet them and to walk with them.... now I want one or two~~~~maybe three all alpacas of the world :-D


I think you were totally clear in your explanation @neumannsalva :D I just didn't answer enough as I got worried about the sewing without an overlocker.

Theoretically you should be able to just join the top and the skirt of the dress.
Is the skirt section wider than the top ? That might also be a reason for the elastic...
If the skirt section is slightly wider than the top section, then you may have to either bring in the side seam to fit in - the other option would be making small pleats to adjust so that top and bottom skirt fit in together :D

Therapy alpacas and llamas ? That's awesome ! We considered buying a couple of alpacas ages ago but at the time the price was too high :(

  • Llamas would be fine too as long as they don't spit ... Perhaps I could I borrow a couple of your alpacas one day :D

Your own alpaca flock, that would have ben heaven <3 The llamas I met were super lovely and did not spit. The one I took on a walk was like a cloud with legs, so soft ...<3 and he was namend Merlin

By the way I have the baby jacket on ravlery and linked your blog post :-D (same goes for you @shanibeer) Thank you both so much for trying the tutorial <3

Thank you for the photo @neumannsalva. Merlin looks very well groomed :D
Thank you also for the link to your Ravelry page. The naked shirt top looks really lovely. I will read the instructions to see if I can make it and if I do, I will let you know too :D
Thanks again and enjoy the weekend.

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