The NeedleWorkMonday RUN - Vol. 1, Issue 3 - Special Announcements


Welcome to the third issue of ’The NeedleWorkMonday RUN’ (Reports, Updates, News). This is the @needleworkmonday community’s inside look. Here you will be informed of the latest happenings involving our needlework community. There will be no set schedule for these articles as they will be published when needed.

We have some exciting announcements to share with you all! We hope you get excited as well!



50th Curation!


In two weeks on July 17th, we will be posting our 50th Curation Showcase! That calls for a celebration! All posts that are chosen for that weeks’ curation will split the post payout! Also, there will be a drawing for SBI Shares for all qualified #NeedleWorkMonday posts that week! Whoo Hoo! 😃

If you are unsure what a qualified quality #NeedleWorkMonday post looks like, please be sure to read over our FAQs! Be sure to post on that day so you can have a chance to be chosen!



2 Year Anniversary!


The @needleworkmonday community will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary this month! The #NeedleWorkMonday tag was created in July of 2017 and has been going strong every since! It has been such a pleasure and a fun two years sharing, learning and growing with you all.

Starting NOW we will be running a contest throughout the rest of this month. The deadline to have your entry in is on Monday, July 29th! Since you can post your entry anytime you are ready, we are asking that you please paste your post links in the comments below so that we can find them when it’s time to judge!

Contest Details

We would like for you to come up with a needle craft that commemorates our 2nd Birthday! For example you can crochet, knit or sew a patchwork of a birthday cake with 2 years old. You can cross-stitch the #NeedleWorkMonday logo. You can create something that shows what #NeedleWorkMonday means to you e.g. crocheting a big love or something that symbolizes friendship. You could even add a poem to your entry. The possibilities are endless as long as you use a needle!

Your entry must involve needlework or it will not be considered for the contest!


1. You must use the #NeedleWorkMonday tag as one of your post tags.
3. Your entry must involve needlework! This means using a needle in the creation of your craft!
4. You must paste a link to your every in the comment section below on this post.
5. Your entry links must be posted below by the deadline on Monday, July 29th!

You must follow all of the above rules to be qualified as an entrant!

Prizes TBD!

We would like to continue giving SBI Shares (steembasicincome) because it helps your account to grow as well as our community account. For every Share you receive the @needleworkmonday account receives a Share as well. For those that still may not understand what these Shares are, it is basically a lifetime vote that you will receive on your posts from @steembasicincome. The more Shares you have the bigger your upvote will be. Please visit their FAQs to learn more!

However I would love to hear your feedback on this. Do you like receiving SBI Shares as prizes or would you rather receive Sbd/Steem instead? I will be reading your responses and will determine the prizes and the number of winners that will be chosen on a future date. Stay Tuned!


A special thanks to @marblely for helping me brainstorm and coming up with those brilliant contest entry ideas!

This issue of ’The NeedleWorkMonday RUN’ is brought to you by @crosheille. 😊

NWM Discord LInk.jpg


Happy Anniversary! What a fabulous contest!

Thank you!! 😃🥳

I hope many participate!

Happy anniversary!

Congratulations! Has it really been going two years? It's the same age as my own account then. I thought it was newer, so well done on growing it and keeping it going for so long.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! Yes the #NeedleWorkMonday tag was started in 2017 but the account is newer (created in 2018)!


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63780.55
ETH 2618.13
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82