Zwischenstand "Vernetzt"-Schal / Progress report double knitting scarf

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago

Vor vier Wochen habe ich über die Gründe + Anfänge dieses Schals gesprochen. Jetzt möchte ich euch zeigen wie es um ihn steht.

Four weeks ago I wrote about how this scarf project started. Now I want to show you the progress I made.

Originalgröße / Full size picture

Das Double-Face-Stricken gelingt mir immer noch nicht so ordentlich wie ich es gerne hätte, besonders die Randmaschen sind noch ausbaufähig. Aber die Spannung bei den linken Maschen ist schon besser geworden. Nun ja, ich hab ja noch rund 7/8 des Schals vor mir... bis dahin kann ich das im Schlaf ;)

My double knitting is still not so neat as I know it could be. Especially the stitches at the borders need some work though I'm quite happy with the tension of the purl stitches. Fortunately I still have 7/8 of the scarf to do, enough stitches to gain experience ;)

Originalgröße / Full size picture

Ich kann mich auch nicht entscheiden welche Seite mir besser gefällt - ein wenig bevorzuge ich die Seite im oberen Bild. Der Maschenmarkierer zeigt übrigens wie weit ich seit letzten Mittwoch gekommen bin.

I can't decide which side of the scarf I prefer, it might be that on the upper picture. By the way, the stitchmarker shows how much I knit since last Wednesday.


It's beautiful work @muscara... You will indeed get plenty of practice unless you decide to just make a 'cowl' in which case it would probably be a bit less than double what you've knitted so far :D
The edge stitches are also a bit troublesome when you do mosaic knitting... I learnt to include an i-cord, but I'm not sure whether that's in any way feasible in double knitting.

I-cord edges can be great for more "rustical" looking projects because you have to do the i-cord with both yarns and so you see both colors on the edge. It's great for stuff like dish cloths or pot holders.

Do you know the designer Lucy Neatby @muscara? I found this video tutorial on i-cord edged double-knitting, you will see the finish looks very professional rather than rustic :D

I personally have used this sort of i-cord method and wrote a post about it here.

I believe it is too late to add this sort of finish at this point, but for future reference it is worth considering.

You’ve made nice progress! It looks so beautiful and I really love those colors!!

So is double knitting just using 2 strands of yarn or is it something completely different? Lol I’m trying to learn this knitting business. 😄

Double knitting is in one way quite simple: knit one, purl one. On the other hand you do it while holding two different yarns and have to change them according to the pattern - that's quite advanced stuff ;) When I started with it I had to stop after on row because I was mentally exhausted. But like most things you get better through doing it. This scarf with its repeated and logical pattern is quite easy for me. I still have to pay attention but not as much as in the beginning.

I advise anyone who wants to try double knitting to do some stranded knitting beforehand. Even if it is only a small project (I did a cowl) - you learn how to deal with two strings of yarns and how to follow a pattern where white boxes might mean Yarn A in one row and Yarn B in the next...

Whoa! Yes all of this sounds like advanced stuff to me. Just hearing about it seems difficult but I’m sure once I dive more into it, it will make more sense. Thank you for the explanation and the suggestion of starting with stranded knitting :)

I love double knitting. I love the combination of colors and how beautiful it looks. Thanks for sharing

You're welcome. I love double knitting, too, and it's always interesting how similar but different both sides are just due to the two colors.

Your knitting looks really neat to me. I've never double knitted myself so don't know how the edges could be fixed, but I'm sure people here will have a solution :D
Double knitting is such a great idea for scarves since you'll see both sides each time you wear it and they both look great! Looking forward to seeing a finished scarf!

As I have never tried out double knitting, this is for me very neat and nice. And as you are wearing it as a scarf, you will be able to see both sides ... which is good, because I neither could decide which is more stunning :-D

Ausgezeichnet! I have a double-knitting pattern I will try some day. You have inspired me.

Wow! You're doing great!

I did knitting decades ago for my project during my secondary schooling but my designs were just simple. If I switch colors then it will just be one on top of the other and not criss-crossing like what you are doing. That is awesome. I wonder when I can get my hands on knitting needles again. Maybe one of these days... Keep knitting! 😊