Here's to the Night Owl Mommas! Happy #NeedleworkMonday!

in #needleworkmonday7 years ago (edited)

"If they HEAR you, they will HUNT you..."

I keep seeing this horror movie trailer in my facebook feed. Am I supposed to be scared by this idea? PFFFFTT!! I'm a MOM! I live with this concept every single morning.

Can I get an Amen?! I can't be the only mom whose kids have supersonic Navy SEAL grade radar for the sound of their mother's finger touching the power button on the coffee maker. It doesn't matter if you have ninja skills in making it to the kitchen in silence. Click! And two seconds later...."Mommy??"

Slipstitching binding edges past 11 PM.

Those were my musings last night as I stayed up yet again solely to have time to enjoy quietness and concentrate on my sewing while listening to a podcast. I love to have my kids in the sewing room, but sometimes I just want to concentrate.

I used to be the morningest of early morning people. The only way I ever stayed up late was if I was curled up in bed with an awesome book. One of my friends/landlord once joked that 10 PM was my "pumpkin hour." They'd throw parties complete with drinking games at the house and I'd hang out till 10, then disappear upstairs. At Navy Supply Corps school, my roommate and friends talked me into "going out" a handful of times. "Ok, what time do you want to meet up?" I'd ask.
"Around 11."
Say WHAT?! I'm supposed to be snoozing in comfy pajamas at that hour, not putting on makeup.
My "going out" days were of very short duration.

Anybody who teased me as a party pooper generally had revenge visited upon them the next morning in the form of an irritatingly chipper coworker, beaming sunshine on their hangover.

Well, really, folks were accommodating of my preferences until two certain infants entered my life and absolutely would not take No for an answer. I would party all night whether I liked it or not, in fact my services as party host with fresh drinks on tap were vociferously demanded with mind numbing regularity.

Thus my transition to night owl began. I resisted for awhile! At one point, hating how "behind the power curve" I felt from getting up at the same time as the kids every morning, I tried setting an alarm so I could at least shower while the kids slept. Hahahaha!!! Rookie mistake, right? The kids still woke up when I did. Naively, I set the alarm even earlier and guess what? They woke up even earlier too! "Screw it," I said, "they can sit in the playpen and watch Frozen while I shower. I need sleep."

I have also scientifically (not really, but it sounds good) proven that it's only MOM who triggers a child's subconscious radar. The Husband has literally gotten up at 4 AM and proceeded to make all kinds of racket in the kitchen, preparing bacon, eggs, grits, and toast. (Seriously dude? How am I supposed to sleep through that plus the smell of BACON?!) Oh no, the kids slept peacefully through it. They've slept peacefully through the blender while the Husband made smoothies at ungodly hours as well. But let ME get out a coffee cup and the hunt is on!

Thus, I stay up these days, or nights rather. I know that they won't last forever and one day, I will become a morning person again. With that in mind, I'll cherish these childhood days that go along with these late nights, instead of fixating on how tired I am from doing it :)

Here's some slumbering cuteness that was going on while I finished sewing my placemats last night:




Husband, kids, and dogs were all knocked out. Only Teddy was still prowling about and he was really just waiting for me to go to bed so he could sleep on my feet :)

But I got my latest set of placemats done!! In a little while I'm going to take them to the kitchen shop downtown and see if they'll take them on consignment! If crazy patchwork isn't their taste (they're a bit upscale) I'll try the coffee shop. They're much more hippie and homespun in style and sell handmade stuff on consignment too.

I'm sitting between this crocheted rug and the knitted scarf and hat sets right now!

As for my egg apron, it's currently a yarn ball. LOL

Happy #NeedleworkMonday everyone, hope you enjoyed this sewing momma's late night musings! Funny thing is that I organized all those thoughts for @keciah's #steemmamas contest, forgetting that the title is "what is the BEST thing a child has taught you?" I'm not sure "how to be a night owl" qualifies as "best" :)

SteemMamas Discord:


Although I sadly have no children, I feel with you (ok and I laughed ...sorry) not having enough time to sleep is hard. I have no idea how ou can sew so neatly with sleep deprivation - your placemats look beautiful.
But I think you should double check if your children are no spys (maybe in service of your husband?) or fairies, because they look super cute and innocent cute.... I think it's suspicious 😊

Hahahaha @ spies in service of my may be on to something there! Fairy spies ;-))) Thank you for the compliment on the place mats too :)

I feel you! But I'm at the Nana stage so (I've heard it before) enjoy the insanity while you can. "fresh drinks on tap were vociferously demanded" LOL!! I almost did a spit time I read one of your posts I'll wait till after to drink my tea.

Your place mats were beautiful! Love the colors. Too bad about your egg apron but it was a worthy endeavor. Again, thanks for sharing!

Ha, I'm glad I gave you a laugh! Thanks for the compliment on my place mats :) The egg apron shall live again, never fear. It'll just be constructed in better light next time!

You made placemats ❤️❤️❤️

It’s amazing how long the kids will sleep for if I just stay in bed. I’m almost out of those years, sleep is just around the corner. (My youngest is 3)

It's an amazing thing, sleep--ever since I learned to just stay in bed too, anyway! :) It gives them the fun of waking me up and as a bonus they crawl in bed with me to cuddle for a bit <3

Thank you for interesting reflections. In our family, all owls and my embroideries and other needlework are all done late in the evening or at night. Our daughter-in-law was a lark, but having lived with us for 5 years also became an owl.

I like how you called her a lark :) Is there a significance to embroidering owls at night, or is it just because that's when you do all your embroidery work?

Ooooh! I sympathize with you :) you have wonderful children and a beautiful dog :)

Thank you very much! They all really are a lot of fun!

Oh man, I can so relate! Everyday is the same. “Tonight, when kids are sleeping, I’ll get some things done.” Night comes. Time for a little me time. “I’ll wake up early and get some stuff done.” Next morning, kids wake me up. Repeat all over again. How has humanity lasted this long?!

I burst out laughing at your last sentence. EXACTLY!! I agree so much!!

Your post brings happy memories to me, but I'm more of a morning lark @mtnmeadowmomma ! Getting up around 5.30am before anyone else to fit in extra projects :)

Ahhh, you're lucky. If I get up at 5:30 the kids will too!!

Oh trust me, learning to be a night owl is a very helpful skill for parenting! Haha, I do have the kids that will hear the second I am up however. I'm not much of a morning person, and I rarely get up before my children -- they are usually the alarm clock!

Thanks for entering the #STEEMmamas contest!! :)

I'm glad this counts as an entry :) I'd put it all together in my head and then was all bummed I'd forgotten "Best" was a qualifier! :)))

My ability to function at night has definitely improved!

Wow I love this piece! Its like I getting a sneak peak on my life in years to come! And just so you know "MOMS ARE ALL THE RAGE😀😀". My mum used to tell me how I was so insistent on being held by her, sleeping next to her and going anywhere with her when I was little. We can't help ourselves I mean come on, Mom is our superhero for Pete's sake lol! I love your knitting and your egg apron not to worry you'll make use of it how ever it turns out. Happy needleworkmonday Mom!

Thank you! Sometimes I have to remind myself to enjoy being a "celebrity" with the kids before they grow up and grow out of it! I'm definitely all the rage in my house right now! :)

Amen! and Amen! I had to give you two of those because I felt you were reading my life story!! Oh my goodness I can NEVER hide long enough from my kids lol! They get this sense of “I haven’t seen Mama for five minutes, we better go see what she’s up to!” 😳

Oh and don’t even get me started about the husband thing. He too can make all the noise in the world but they could care less. It’s when they “hear” the footsteps of mommy (how they know the difference is still a mystery) going into the bathroom for a morning potty that they rise up and meet me outside the door. I do have to get up early anyway since I am their teacher so I try to stay up at least two hours AFTER they go to bed for some peace and quiet adult time.

I loved reading your post, if you only knew how many Amens I really said along the way!! 😂 Your placemats are beautiful, whoever accepts them are good businessmen ;) Thanks so much for sharing this week! 💜

I'm so glad you enjoyed reading my post! <3 Oh yes, it doesn't stop all day long either does it?! And seriously, how DO they know in their sleep the difference between a Husband banging around and a Mommy cat-footing it past? I lol'd at "they rise up and meet me outside the door" because that's so true!!

At least mine haven't yet figured out when I'm hiding in the pantry, popping M&M's (in the dark so they won't see the light under the door) :-)))

No it sure doesn’t happens all day long! Lol!!! Oh yes I definitely understand about the pantry eating in the dark!!! I wish they didn’t make snacks that made so much noise, it’s hard to sneak them with all of the crinkly wrappings!! 😄

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