NeedleworkMonday with B&W...

Somebody challenged me to do B&W photos for 7 days... and I missed posting last Monday due to being at a retreat. So here is the Left Mitten's progress! I am ready to do the thumb and flop over and then the set will be done!
But... I got distracted!
I am working in central New Hampshire this week and there was a quilting store across from my hotel. I ran in there after I got off of work today, hoping to find that they had a set of needles that I could purchase for fairly cheap as I left my larger set at home. I had picked up a really neat skein of purple and green yarn earlier in the week but didn't want to ball it and then work it up on size 2 needles. To my amazement they were having a 50% to 75% off yarn sale and they happened to have some really pretty Noro that was already in balls. For $12 I got two skeins of yarn and a set of needles. Total distraction. :)
After shopping I walked around the lake near my hotel for a little while and the water reflections were so perfect that they were sometimes almost optical illusions!
After finding a small geocache near the docks, I headed to dinner at a Camp themed restaurant. All the waitresses and waiters wore camp counselor t-shirts and the theme was all about going to summer camp. But the food was all about five stars and way fancier than expected. On the plus side I was able to have a Common Man beer and some pretty darn good meatloaf.

That's the end of my adventures for today, got a few hours of work to do here in the hotel room as I want to be able to head South from my location about 4 p.m. tomorrow to meet friends for dinner outside of Boston.


Cool pictures of the thing in the water. Not surprised by the "distraction". :)

I love the B/W photo of the unfinished mitten. The stark contrast lends the mitten a completely new quality with its stitch holder it looks like an art installation.
And yes, finding nice yarn on sale: always good. Enjoy the knitting :-D

Thank you! That is the look I was hoping for!

The Noro was a lucky find! Love your travel photographs, and these black and white ones are interesting.

Totally lucky, there were some nice cotton/linen skeins but they didn't have a ball winder and I don't enjoy doing that part by hand most of the time. Luckily the Noro is already wound nicely.
Thank you!

Good findings and great water reflections @jamethiel... I wonder what you will make with that lovely colour wool 😉

It looks like it is going to end up being a scarf... maybe... just have to find a pattern I like.
Thank you!

WOW! You really must have a cool job! You're all over the place. Your mitten is looking great and I love that you used it as part of your B&W entry. The three logs look very cool. Nice eye!

I lucked into a pretty cool job. Most of the time I am in Montana doing phone support for computerized school bus routing systems. But about 12 to 15 weeks a year I travel to install and train people on those systems for my company.
And when I travel, I usually end up with early afternoons open because most of the staff leave about 3:30 to 4 p.m. So I get a chance to wander around a little bit before I head to my hotel or dinner. But often, like tonight, after dinner I'm back in my hotel room working for three or four additional hours trying to fix things that were broken over the course of the day or dealing with support calls that came in.
Thank you!

Wow, great deal at the shop! At my LYS just one of those balls of yarn would be $12.

Mine too, they are getting rid of the yarn section and it is all on clearance. Which is crazy but I guess it doesn't sell in a quilting shop.

Wow what a nice sale you caught!!! I can imagine that was a total distraction! Nice B&W photos you included!! That lake looks so peaceful and it looks so calming and quiet out there!!

Thank you! And I kind of wish I'd run back in there today after I left the office and grabbed a few more skins of neat stuff. But really, I don't have a use for it at this point so I'm being good and not just buying it anyway. :)

Good for you! What a way to show self control...which is very hard for me especially when it’s a good sale! 😄

Looks like a great day!

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Beautiful photos and a wonderful deal on the yarn and needles!

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