My Daughters’ New Dresses for Ied al-Fitr Celebration [ENG-IND]


Hi my dearest fellow needlecrafters,

At this moment, Moslems all over the world are fasting for one month. When the fasting month is over, there is a festive celebration called Ied al-Fitr where people visit each other, eat good food, and usually put on new dresses. This year, the Ied al-Fitr celebration is on 15 June 2018 (next month) but I have finished making new dresses for my daughters. I like doing things early. Besides, I just could stand hearing my eldest daughter’s constant question “Mom, when will you sew our dresses?”. She asked me that question everyday, many many times a day. So, I thought I had to just do and finish it quickly.

Halo teman-teman semua, terutama yang Muslim, lancar puasanya? Semoga ya. Minggu ini saya sudah mencuri start menyelesaikan baju lebaran untuk kedua anak perempuan saya karena saya suka mengerjakan segala sesuatu lebih awal. Juga, karena saya tidak tahan mendengar pertanyaan berulang-ulang dari anak saya yang paling besar “Mi, kapan jahit baju kami?”. Dia bertanya tiap hari, berkali-kali dalam sehari. Jadi biar tenang dan damai, saya pikir saya harus cepat-cepat menyelesaikan jejahitan ini.

So, I went to a local fabric store and fell in love at the first sight with the fabric print. I thought the dresses would be cute and girly. And my eldest daughter liked the fabric too.

Saya pergi ke toko kain dan jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama pada kain bunga-bunga ala ala shabby ini. Saya langsung membayangkan bajunya nanti imut dan girly. Dan anak tertua saya juga suka dengan itu.


I have the pattern for last year, so I just needed to enlarge it.

Saya sudah punya pola dari tahun lalu jadi tinggal memperbesar sedikit.


When I browsed through pictures in Pinterest, I found a simple yet sweet dress for my younger daugther. It is from a Japanese sewing book. Take a loot at this. Cute, right? I like the little ruffle on the sleeves and the way the three buttons are positioned.

Waktu jalan-jalan di Pinterest, saya menemukan model baju anak yang sederhana tapi manis untuk anak kedua saya. Modelnya dari buku menjahit Jepang. Ini model bajunya, imut ya? Saya suka rempel kecil di lengannya dan kancing yang dipasang di satu tempat seperti itu.


So I decided to make a similar dress. For the upper part, I put a lining so it will be neat. It was my first time using a lining like this. Thanks to the internet and wonderful people out there for sharing the tutorial.

Jadi saya memutuskan untuk membuat baju yang mirip. Untuk bagian atas, saya kasih puring agar rapi. Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya pakai puring di baju bagian atas seperti itu. Terima kasih internet dan orang-orang yang berbaik hati berbagi tutorial.


However, when the dress was 50% finished, I felt that the dress was too plain. I mean the border between the upper and the lower part was not obvious. It was most likely because I used flower print fabric. I then thought to add a piping with plain pink color.

Tapi, saat bajunya selesai 50%, saya merasa bajunya terlalu polos. Maksudnya batas antara bagian atas dan bawah tidak kelihatan. Mungkin karena saya memakai kain bunga-bunga, jadi solusinya saya memakai piping berwarna pink polos.


When it was done, I just realized that I should have started sewing the piping at the side, not at the front. That made me disturbed as it did not look neat. Sooo...what I did next was adding a little bow to conceal the piping.

Nah waktu sudah selesai, saya baru sadar seharusnya saya memulai memasang piping dari samping, bukan dari tengah karena jadi tidak rapi, dan agak mengganggu buat saya. Akhirnya saya pasang pita saja untuk menyembunyikan pipingnya.


So here is the finished look.

Jadi inilah penampakan setelah jadi.



For my eldest daughter, I made a tiered dress with an addition of ruffles of different color at the skirt. It was as per her request. I sewed the buttons just the same way as how I sewed her little sister’s dress. And I love it even though the buttons are not very noticeable from afar.

Untuk si kakak, saya membuat baju rempel dengan tambahan aksen rempel kecil dengan warna pink polos, sesuai dengan permintaannya. Lalu saya memasang kancingnya sama persis seperti kancing di baju si adik. Saya suka meskipun kancingnya jadi kurang kelihatan dari jauh.


I am very relieved now as I have accomplished this project. And the most important thing is that my kids are very happy to have new dresses. How about you, my fellow Moslem needleworkers? Have you made any dress for you or for your kids?

Sekarang saya sudah lega jahitan ini sudah selesai. Dan yang paling penting, anak-anak saya senang sudah punya baju baru. Bagaimana dengan teman-teman Muslim semua? Sudah membuat baju untuk anak-anak?


Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. Enjoy the rest of the week!

Terima kasih sudah singgah dan membaca tulisan ini.

Please follow @horazwiwik

Sort: such a beautiful dresses. Good job. you make me jealous. I wish I could make new dresses for my own doughter, I mean I sew it by myself for them but I couldn't.

Hi, thanks mbak @tatimaryati. Don't be jealous with me, saya aslinya ngga bisa jahit baju. Tapi nekad aja bikin baju anak2 sendiri, soalnya kalo jelek ato ga enak dipakai, mereka ga protes :D

The dresses are great! Your older daughter's layered dress reminds me of the layer cake dress from the Firefly tv show a few years ago.
Great job being inspired by a pattern and then adjusting it to be your own.

thanks a bunch, @jamethiel. hahaha, the layered dress looks 'delicious' then :D :D

Yeah, I had to make some adjustment so it would not too plain.

They look so cute in their new dresses! Great job. Your eldest daughter looks really happy to have her new dress. 😃

thank you very much. Indeed, my eldest daughter is the very excited every time she has new dresses :)

The dresses turned out beautiful and your daughters seem to be very pleased with them @horazwiwik !

Thank you very much @cryptocariad. Indeed, my daughters are more than happy to have new dresses :)

You make the patterns, too?!? Auuguh..I'm not worthy! The fabric is gorgeous, the dresses are darling and so are the kids! You are one lucky and talented lady, @horazwiwik! Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you, my dear!

Thank you @crystalize! I am not good at sewing clothes, actually. And that's why honestly I cannot make proper patterns. I have made trial and errors several times, by the way.

Wah udah punya baju Lebaran yang cantik 🤗

Beruntung ya anak2 Bu @horazwiwik memiliki mami yang pintar dan kreatif 👍😊

Makasih ya @santiintan, hahaha berusaha menyenangkan anak, biarpun belum sempurna, yg penting mereka happy :)

Lovely daughters. The older one watches out and helps out the younger one. Beautiful.

Thank you for your lovely comment, @joeyarnoldvn

You are such a pro at sewing @horazwiwik! They look so well sewn. Very cute and pretty dresses for your beautiful daughters. Am sure they can't wait to show them off on 1st Syawal :) Happy fasting!

Thank you very much, @marblely. I am actually not good at sewing dresses, but I try my best for my kids. If the dresses do not look good, they will not protest it :D.

hehe that is true.. but I'm sure they love it. You made the dresses for them with so much ❤️❤️❤️

Yuhuuuu... dah jadi baju lebarannya

iyaa.....biar ga merengek tiap hari lagi :D

Wah udah punya baju Lebaran 🤗

Beruntung ya anak2 Bu @horazwiwik memiliki mami yang pintar & kreatif 👍😊

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