#NeedleworkMonday ... Herstory Keeps on Living!

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)


In my gathering of materials for another project yesterday I came upon this...

A pattern written in my Grandmother's hand, and a sample crocheted by my Mother's.


I made the decision to give the pattern a try. I dove into my stash and found these threads reminding me of the first Violets of spring spotted only that morning.


I noticed within a round or two that my hook was too big, but I generally drink out if a bigger jar than the jelly jars I remember these coasters going on as a child.


I spent the quiet time working on it reflecting on my healing of the difficult bits within my relationship with my mother. Her 75th birthday would have been tomorrow. She's been gone now almost 5 years.


I finished it up and tucked it over my favorite drinking jar. I left the mistakes, I changed the pattern, I worked with what I had and made it my own.

This will be an everyday item in my world, not like the special occasion coasters I remember mainly laying in the linens drawer while growing up.


Herstory...the story told by the work of women... lives on!

My Story... that I only now begin to know... lives on!

Beautiful hand work of three beautiful women.

Now rather than a memory tucked in a box I have a daily reminder of the threads I carry and how they were once carried by other women before me.

Hugs All!

~all text and images are my own

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A lovely post, thank you. I have been knitting pieces for loved ones. I was surprised while I was knitting them how much I thought about the person. Recently, I made an item for a person with whom I have had a troubled relationship - the knitting was symbolic about bringing an end to the old story and starting a new one. Since then, I have been thinking about tackling the most difficult relationship I have through knitting something.

I also do this, think a lot about the person I am making something for.

I think this is the first time I have consciously worked on the hard stuff while crocheting or knitting. It was just time to do it. The hand work time allowed my head and heart the time they needed.

Your crochet turned out lovely! What an awesome story - I love it!

Thank you. I enjoy making beautiful functional things... Its nice to find the time to create for myself so much of my time is spent creating for others.

I loved reading this post, especially your philosophy at the end. Your coaster is very pretty! I find the contrast in yarn color choices between Old and New to be striking :) Kind of symbolic of you adding your own unique twist to the threads of "Herstory" <3

This was a beautiful post and a beautiful story of your memories and what had been passed on to you. I love the concept of “Herstory” and how you presented it here. You completed the project nicely and I know it’s going to be special using those pieces daily :) Thanks for sharing~

My new cup has already worked it's way into my day.

I received the concept of Herstory while living in St Louis, I volunteered with a non-profit who celebrated woman in the arts by hosting a fundraiser called Herstory.

That’s awesome!! I love it :)

Great post and great story! Love how your piece turned out and the comparison between it and the original.

Those are really pretty! I loved the story and it's too bad the nice ones lay in a drawer. I try to not do that too much with my nice stuff...

I feel like that when I recreate my grandmother’s work.

Thanks for sharing ❤️❤️❤️

This reminds me of the snowmen you made with a similar bottom!!
I miss all the crafting!

This is an awesome post. I will like to know, do you crotchet for therapeutic/rehabilitation reasons? Your article seems to hint at it.

This project was for therapy reasons...

Usually I would call my knit and crochet time more of a meditation exercise. I also use knitting to help me focus to pay attention and listen.

Interesting... I would like to know how. I crochet sometimes but it doesn't calm me. Maybe your next post could make it clear.

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