Trying out motifs for crochet shrug / カーディガンのモチーフ探し中

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)


I think about making a shrug (a kind of short cardigan) or two for summer time to cover my arms in the early morning, evening, or on a chilly day etc. One idea is to make a shrug consists of a collection of crocheted motifs. Like the following projects:

ちょっと肌寒い日にはおれるように Shrug (日本語でいうとカーディガンの袖だけのような服って言ったらいいのかな、なんていうのだろう・・・)を作ろうと思い立ちました。下の Ravelry のプロジェクトのようなかぎ針編みのモチーフの集合にしたらおもしろそう。

Ravelry: 29-1 Crochet Motif Shrug pattern by Pierrot (Gosyo Co., Ltd)
Ravelry: Karuna Shrug by Kristen TenDyke


I'm now trying out motifs to find one that make the shrug comfortably lacy and light for summer time while it keeps me warm in a certain extent. Good exercise to come back to crocheting.


It's my crocheting project after a while. Thanks to #NeedleWorkMonday crocheting ladies :)

#NeedleWorkMonday でかぎ針編みしている方々の投稿を見て久しぶりのかぎ針編みしてみたくなりました。ありがとう NeedleWorkMonday!

By the way I took a look at Schoppel, a German yarn manufacturer know for its Zauberball (magic yarn) series ... ah always it's so inspiring and beautiful (sigh) :) :) :) I will visit a shop that handles Schoppel yarn soon ...

久しぶりにドイツケイトメーカー Schoppel のウェブサイトを見たのですが、ああきれい。ため息。

Schoppel Wolle: Passion for yarn | Schoppel Wolle


IMG_1205 (1).png

#NeedleWorkMonday is initiated by @crosheille. Thank you for hosting a wonderful & fun weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日こと #NeedleWorkMonday@crosheille さんがホストしているタグで、毎週月曜日に和気あいあい洋裁、和裁、編み物、ビーズワークなどなど針仕事にまつわる投稿を読んだり書いたりするコミュニティーです。 #japanese からも一緒に参加しましょう!英語のテキストがあるとよいようです。


Shrug …聞いたことはありませんが、ボレロみたいな感じでしょうか。綺麗な緑ですね^^

Shrug は私も編み物するまで知らなかったんですよ。編み物のサイトにそういうカテゴリーがあって。ボレロよりももっと袖だけな感じというか説明が難しいです ;)

Well you certainly selected some gorgeous colors to work with, @akipponn! I cannot wait to see the progress of it. Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you, my dear!

Haha this is for practice. I may use unbleached or uncolored super simple white for the first attempt :) Happy NeedleworkMonday too!

I'm really looking forward to seeing how it progresses @akiponn. I love those patterns and have learnt a lot from them... Good luck !

My fingers and mind are gradually coming back to crocheting after making few motifs. Now I'm confident I will have a shrug at least until in the end of this summer ... ;)

Both patterns are beautiful. And I also love Schoppel Wolle... they have so nice color combinations. I especially love Zimtschnecke. Looking forward to your finished shrug :-D

Yeah! Schoppel is one of my favorite German companies' products. I didn't know there is series called Zimtschnecke. What a nice name. I ate Mohnschnecke this morning :D

Shrug って、腕カバーが背中で繋がってる、みたいなやつでしょうか?

レースレースしすぎちゃうと作るのは楽しそうですが、普段着なれていないのでおしりがもぞもぞしそうというのもあって ;) かぎ針編み、特に最初のこまかーいところがきついですよね。NeedleworkMonday で結構かぎ針される方が多くて久しぶりにやってみたくなり道具を引っ張り出してきました。針一本で OK って旅によさそうなのもあり!

This is going to be fun watching you put this together. I love the pattern! Thank you for including us in as you practice and try out something new~ 😊

Crocheting posts on #NeedleworkMonday tempted me to start a crocheting project. I like its simplicity that I only need a needle. I look forward to sharing the result to the community. Happy needlework Monday!

I’m so glad to hear that! 😊

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