My First Embroidery / はじめての刺繍

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

Recently my daughter's daycare has started. We didn't expect a spot as it's baby boom in our city but suddenly we got one thanks to our friend. I used a bag I made before to put her belongings. As she was happy to hold her own bag and the bag was too small, I decided to make one.


IMG_1776 (1).png

I saw some embroidery posts on Needlework Monday timeline and I wanted to try it for a while. I stitched leaves, flowers, a tree and a bird randomly based on a rough sketch I made with my tailors chalk. I enjoyed the drawing-ish process, which is quite different from my other favorite needleworks such as sewing and knitting/crocheting.

Needlework Monday で刺繍の投稿を読んで刺繍をしてみたいなと思っていたこともあり、ここぞとばかりに刺繍に挑戦しました。葉っぱや花や木、鳥など、最近子どもが覚えたものをあれこれチャコペンで書いて刺繍しました。洋裁や編み物とはまた違った絵を描く感じがとても楽しいです。まだステッチに雑念があるのはご愛嬌。。。



I took a look at Japan Vogue's website to see what kind of stitch are there.


ステッチの刺し方 | 刺しゅうの刺し方|刺しゅうの基本|刺しゅう|手づくりタウン|日本ヴォーグ社

I also searched for embroidery work with Google Images and found Yumiko Higuchi's work is amazing ... I scrolled down, down and down her Instagram page and asked my mother to buy and send her books for my birthday gift. Ah ... it's simply beautiful.

インターネットでいろいろな作家の方の作品を見て、中でも樋口愉美子さんという方の作品がすごすぎて、延々と Instagram をスクロールして、挙げ句の果てには日本の母に本も頼んでしまいました。ああ、それにしてもきれい・・・。

When I was seeing motives of embroidery, a lot of them are nature related. Plants, flowers, animals etc. I think it quite fits well with gardening (my favorite!) and sketching, which I want to try for long. I will be totally into embroidery after I receive the books from my mother. But I wonder how can I use embroidery works ... For sewing and knitting/crocheting, it's easy. I can wear outcomes. Hmmmm.


Anyway I'm happy to see my daughter is happy about the bag and tell me which is what. I wish she enjoys her life being in nature.


余談: こんなことも、誰から言われるでもなく好きでやっているから楽しめるのだろうなと思います。「保育園グッズはなるべく手作り、あれをこのサイズで、生地を揃えて・・・」となると、さすがに作るのは好きでもちょっと無理ってなりそうな気がします。ドイツでは最悪ビニール袋に入れてテへって顔で行っても大丈夫な感じで、その適当さというか、実用重視なところが気楽でよいです。子どもの頃は大人は完璧だと思っていましたが、実際自分が大人になってみると全然そんなことはなくて、保護者にも得手不得手があって当然だと思います。私は自分で本を読むのは好きだけれど、音読があんまりで読み聞かせが苦手とか。嫌いな食べ物は無理に克服しなくても他のもので同じような栄養がとれればよしとするのと同様、子どもにしてあげられることもまわりの大人が得意なことであれこれしてあげればいいのかななどと思う日々です。


Needlework Monday Logo

#NeedleWorkMonday is initiated by @crosheille. Now it has its own account @needleworkmonday. Thank you for hosting a wonderful & fun weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日こと #NeedleWorkMonday@crosheille さんがホストしているタグで、最近 @needleworkmonday のアカウントもできました。毎週月曜日に和気あいあい洋裁、和裁、編み物、ビーズワークなどなど針仕事にまつわる投稿を読んだり書いたりするコミュニティーです。 #japanese からも一緒に参加しましょう!英語のテキストがあるとよいようです。わからないことなどあったらお手伝いします :)


Beautiful embroidery work @akipponn! I wouldn’t of guessed that this was your first attempt, it looks so neat! The bird, leaves and tree are all so adorable. I’m glad your daughter is happy with her bag. I’m glad you gave it a try and did well!

Thank you for sharing on this #needleworkmonday!

Haha, flattering :D But I'm happy to hear so. Thank you for hosting the tag. Needlework Monday gives me a lot of inspiration. I may not have tried embroidery without Needlework Monday and being on Steemit.

How lovely to discover Yumiko Higuchi! I like your daughter's little bag, I hope she is very happy at her daycare place 😊

Yumiko Higuchi's works are in away dangerous as I can spend easily just seeing them ... She came back happily and is taking nap now to charge energy for evening time :)


ありがとうございます :) ずりずりして糸がぴんぴん出ちゃうかな・・・とおそるおそる作り始めました。まあでも、そんなもんですよね。喜んでくれるのが一番です。

I really like the result - the white on red embroidery makes the bag unique. Fun but not frilly - perfect for everyday use by a child :)

And I love how you got hooked into yet another hobby with buying these embroidery books. How often do we want to make just a little thing, only an addition to something and than we get sucked in a whirlpool of beautiful things and ideas...

Thank you muscara. Initially I wonder which to go for red or green. I myself like practical simple items. I don't know but I'm shy to frilly items from my childhood. I may try when my daughter asks me to make some in the future. It will be a good chance ;)

And yes, hand craft is infinite ... I can easily spend my whole life to get to know all the techniques.

wow! your daughter must be proud of wearing that bag in school..the white really blends with the red..i love the bag and the nature design..thanks for sharing..

Thank you dizzyapple. I wasn't sure I can do embroidery well so I just bought one color of thread. It turned out good :) I wish she likes to use the bag at daycare and it gives her energy to have a happy time there.

How cute your daughter starting daycare with something of personal touch by mum, I love that the bag is red and the design on the bag, I like it so much, it makes the embroidery look easy. Thanks for sharing

Thank you wondermaey. Some stitches are quite difficult for me and I have to practice but most were easier than I thought. Good I tried it. And thanks to posts on #needleworkmonday that motivated me to start it :)

This is a really cute bag @akipponn. Such a perfect fit for your daughter :) The embroidery stands out so well and the design is so cute against the beautiful red fabric.

Thank you marblely. Size wise I'm happy to see it fits well with her. Regular eco bags we have a lot at home are too long for her. Smaller ones were too small. This was a good excuse to start a new project for me :D

I agree, it is not easy to find the right fit bag. There is always a good excuse to start a new project :) And your work is so neat and pretty!


ふたつの偶然にびっくり!左の本、注文したうちの一冊です :) 『一色で楽しむ刺繍生活』と『二色で楽しむ刺繍生活』も迷ったものの、もう一冊は『樋口愉美子の刺繍時間 5つの糸で楽しむ植物と模様』にしてしまいました。きっと次日本に帰るときに買い足して帰ることと思います。。。

@aitommylr さん刺繍したら #needleworkmonday に投稿しましょうね!秋になったら @sumi さんも帰ってくるし #Japanese から参加される方増えるの楽しみです。

I love the colour of the bag and your embroidery @akipponn. I think it will be very easy for your daughter to identify her bag - it's beautiful !

Thanks cryptocariad. And that's right she can find it easily at daycare :)

The bag worked out so beautiful. As I only tried once to embroider (and found it sooooo slow) I have an idea how good your work is. The motiv is so well chosen with the big tree as a border/frame and the bird as an element which opens the motiv to the rest of the bag.
And naturally I followed your link and yes Yumiko Higuchis work is superb. Her mixture of colours from floss and fabric is so wonderful - wow. Thank you for sharing :-D

PS: I used a hairsoap bar from savion and found the smell not very nice, the washing itself was ok, but we have water with a very low lime percentage. I found the soap in our Biomarkt and read this article about different soaps:

Happy to read that it well received and an analysis by an artist, neumannsalva :) It's interesting to see my needle drawing in this way.
And thank you for the link to the article. I will read through and decide which to buy. My Asian strong hair doesn't well along with bio shampoos and I'm always on my way finding one fits to my hair that is friendly to environment and cruelty free ... for 5 years in Germany ;)

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