Can i make a virtual will and testament for steem cash?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #need8 years ago (edited)

Hello all you steemy people :) In light of my recent posts concerning the non profit that i am striving to build... I would like some sort of contingency plan, you know, in case a meteor falls on my head or something. This is Sorta like a will, basically i need to know that in case of my demise, the virtual currency that i am farming will go towards a worthy cause. 

First things first, who gets the $?! I have been doing some research into existing non-profits, and still don't feel any closer to picking one. There are many to choose from, but i am not sure which one is most deserving. Here is where you come in, please help me choose one! I would want it to help a maximum number of people. So please, nothing too specific to a certain country. Maybe something that feeds children? Anyway, i could use some guidance on a good foundation that is most deserving!

Secondly, is it even possible to leave something like a will when it comes to virtual currency? I am not well versed in legalese, in fact it makes my head spin. Could i please get a response from a steem employee regarding this subject? That would be cool! Thats it for now, i think i have been pretty clear with my requests. I am new at all this, so any sort of help is great, even just moral support :)

So to recap...Please, if you know of a non-profit organization or charity that would be most deserving of a large donation, let me know. You can help me make the choice. Also, if any steem employees can help me in regards to some sort of "will" for all the steem cash i am harvesting, that would be awesome. I would hate for it all to just sit here and not go to use.


I'm pretty sure that you can leave anything you want in a will, including digital currency. As much as lawyers would like you to believe otherwise, all you have to do to make it legal is write it down, date it, sign it, and have two witnesses there to sign it too. You'd probably want to include your password with it, but otherwise you should be good to go. To be extra legal, there are sample wills online that you could use to copy the proper legalese.

Interesting :)

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