When are we getting bufgixes, Stinc? An open letter to @nedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ned7 years ago (edited)



was the development process rushed for HF19 so hard that the build is full of TODO warnings when you build it?

Could you not release the fixes that are already most pressing and troublesome, I mean, you are fixing these bugs?

Or are you buying plane tickets and renting hotels in the Bahamas?

Like, sub-50SP accounts getting bandwidth errors. This is a bug. Not a subject of HF20.

Like, what is going on with how slow the indexing of the chain for an RPC is slowed down so much that it takes 3-4 days to index May, June and July 2017.

Are you even doing any improvements on the Graphene backend, merging fixes that have already made it to Bitshares and now Cybex?

Also, whoever is running the chat. I and several others have had accounts suddenly turn into nonexistence. Not that I am missing it that much, but it's causing a lot of hassle to people.

Also, specifically, @ned, as the responsible member to your shareholders, and really, that's what we are, I would like to hear a public statement about what you are going to do about self-voting, and the fact that the witnesses, being able to vote on each other, is causing (and I question whether it is not intentional) siphon of funds towards the biggest, and obviously most early in the game, since you didn't premine, but you sure as fuck mined the hell out of it.

In a few days, when I finally finish getting my RPC up and running, no thanks to You and your team, I am going to be very curious to specifically examine the behaviour of these founding members in the first two months after release, and how exactly you came to have so much stake.

And then, how you consolidated that.

You must think we are all naive if you think nobody realises that you are scooping the cream of the rewards pool.


Funny how v0.19.1RC1 came out the next day after I wrote this.


We all know Steemit inc. is not really big on keeping the users up to date. I fact I'm surprised when they put some info out there. It will be nice to have a feedback from them but as you mentioned they may have more important things to do. Any other social media is keeping daily updates what's going on, and we always have to figure out things by ourselves. This can really damage the platform.
A while back there was an announcement that a team of designers are working on the front end. Besides adding a couple of icons there is not much going on. I'm not really keen on empty promises.


Umm ... are you serious? What on earth would lead you to imagine that the ongoing development of steem/steemit should take place according to a schedule dictated by your personal priorities?

You obviously didn't read the text, or any of my other posts, and do not understand the full details of the justification for my position.

It's not just my position. There is many un-speaking people who have similar suspicions and if you actually understood anything about how the platform works now, and how it worked through various hard forks, you would not be saying such ignorant things.

I, however, have, through a gradual process of investigation at first triggered by the egregious self-upvotes of comments, most notably only a week or so ago, by none other than @dan himself. This started me thinking along a track to back when I remember him upvoting a post, post-'resignation' right to the top slot of trending.

Is this the kind of people you want guarding your interests, or would you prefer it if we kick their asses into gear, and maybe shake out the rats, fix the dynamics of the game theory of this platform, and rise to the top of the Market Cap leaderboard?

Or are you happy and complacent and don't care that this place is going to hell in a handbasket, in so many ways.

I don't base my opinion on any small amount of single issues either. I have run a witness, an RPC node, and I know exactly what the software quality is behind this system. It is terrible. The sheer number of bugs in HF19's code is astounding.

Hence why I wrote this open letter.

Respectfully, I did read and understand this post. It is just that most of the points you raised warrant no response due to their disconnection from how things actually work.

There are lots of things that could be better, and a far greater number of things that are have vastly improved from how they were several months ago.

It makes sense that there would be a large number of bugs to discover and fix in HF19, because this was a major change. It is great that you're finding and drawing attention to these, because that's part of how problems are identified in a community like this. But fixes will never be instant.

I am curious to discover what you uncover about the financial habits of high value accounts, because this seems to be good information to have in making trading/investment decisions about STEEM. But coming at it with a strong belief that there's some great injustice happening seems guaranteed to compromise the quality of your data by biasing the data collection methods and/or by biasing the way whatever you find is interpreted/reported.

In short, I strongly support your advocating a more equitable way of doing things around here, but do not see how impatience, paranoia, and personal biases can bring that more equitable way of doing things about.

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