in #ndjt6 years ago

Okay so people have been talking about this so here is mine. I hope you like it

What is that silly thing that takes a tear out of your eye?
Mom speeding pass my sharwarma joint.. She really doesnt like sharwarma but that wont make me stop eating it.

What is the weirdest thing you love?
For some reason i really love Garri cake.

Funny part of the opposite sex that you like?
Tall, nice lips and good builds

Who is your steemit crush?

What is the craziest thing you have done on steemit?
I deleted a post a day to pay out and reposted it for some reason i got the crazy idea of double pay.

Works of two steemians that you doff your heart @surpassingoogle @mimy

Which steemian would you love to see a movie with (maybe a dark room.. Winks)
Just few really dont know alot of steemians@levitatedmind @prechi
What are the names of the first three steemians blog you visit
@samstickkz @ewuoso@prechi

Who do you wish you are on steemit?
What do you wish you could write on steemit that you could?
I'd love to start a script writing competition and do give aways.. Not rich for that yet
Which steemian do you want to meet in person and what would be your first action when you see them?
@prechi tell him how grateful i am to have him as my best friend.. He is super awesome.

What are the names of three handsome guys/ beautiful ladies that you know on steemit.
guys @samstickkz @prechi and @levitatedmind
ladies > @annieben @florae @emem

Who would you choose as your steemitfather, steemitmother, steemitdaughter and steemit son.
steemit father: @prechi
steemit mother :nil
steemit son : none
steemit daughter : nil

Names of two followers who get low payouts
@kasope and @binkly

Names of two followers who get good payout
@surpassinggoogle and @papapepper

Given the opportunity to say one word to @ned what would it be?
You are awesome

Well that was interesting! Looking forward to reading more post!!


Lovely pictures you've got!
I have seen lot of beautiful faces through this contest....

Garri cake..... How does that taste and look?.

Quite cool!

Thanks alot for participating

Garri cake is one of the oldest tradition for boarding house students. We basically make it with garri, sugar, milo or bournvita, milk and some any colourful snack we can find.. It taste pretty okay..

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