Ten Secrets of the Near-Death-Experience

in #nde7 years ago (edited)


A Near Death Experience is what happens to a person who clinically dies, then awakens in another realm that seems more real than here on earth.

While there, he or she experience many things, all unique to the individual, and then go on to be revived or somehow resuscitated.

Many times he or she bring back information with him or her from the afterlife that can help others.

There are an estimated “…774 NDEs (Near Death Experiences) occurring daily in the United States alone”(1), and many more occurring all over the world.

The most common themes running through most NDE experiences are that of seeing and/or going through a tunnel, complete darkness, or a beautiful landscape.

Then they are greeted by relatives who have already died, or by beings of light, or even a departed pet.

They are not afraid…and they have great feelings of warmth, comfort, and unconditional love during these experiences.

The questions they have in their mind…are most often answered telepathically.

Many NDEs have what is called a life review…where they are able to see everything they ever did while alive that caused another human being to feel love or distress. And during this life-review…they can feel the emotions of everyone involved as if they are re-living it - as themselves, and as the other person – while it is happening.

After that ...they are either given a choice to stay there... or given a choice to come back to earth…at which point they wake up revived/resuscitated

What is of particular interest to the general public about these experiences is the fascinating advice and information that these people are bringing back from the other side …to share with humanity. Below are ten facinating secrets gathered from survivors by researchers.

Secret:10 When you Die…You Step Immediately Into Ecstasy

Roberta Grimes - a near death survivor, and the author of The Fun of Dying, made the following statements in her book: “For now, only know that no matter how rough this brief earth-life may seem to you, in fact you are a powerful eternal being and you are loved more than you can imagine.” (2)
She went on to say that you, “…may find it hard to believe that the reality that we enter at death is centered on human pleasures.” (3)

Many people who cross over after dying say that the first thing they notice is a warm euphoric feeling along with the absence of any kind of pain…and not just physical pain, but no mental, emotional, or spiritual pain either.

They say that all of the common negatives we human beings experience while here on earth... for example - fear, anxiety, worry, sadness…don’t exist on the other side.
Many also have an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love pour over them, along with a sense of being totally cared for and safe.

Some feel cradled in the arms of an all-encompassing light-being that they interpret as being God.
It has been said that there are beautiful landscapes with colors, plants, animals and bugs on that side...that we don’t have here on earth, and…they all seem to be alive, made out of love, and interconnected to all that is.

Secret: 9 It is Not What You Do...But How What You Do Makes Yourself and Others Feel… That Matters!

Many people who have lived through a near death experience say that they went through what they call a life-review in which their lives flashed before their eyes. During their life-review, they literally felt how every action they ever took made the other people involved feel... whether good or bad.

Then they judged themselves accordingly. No one else judged them but themselves.

“So…surprisingly, emotions play a big part in the life review.” (4)

Many of these people upon returning to life adjusted their behavior to that of loving and nurturing themselves and others, and using love as a basis for all of their decisions and communications.

After they returned their “low priority values were money, competition, and power. (5) There was “…a greater willingness to accept others and to be less judgmental of others. (6)

And an interesting side note - one near death survivor is quoted as saying that, “Fear is at the core of our mistakes.” (7)

Secret: 8 While On Earth We Breathe Oxygen; While in Heaven We Are Vibrated With Love

The survivors of the near death experience tell us that as soon as they stopped breathing oxygen and died…they were immediately pulsing and vibrating with a subtle universal loving-gratitude…which seemed to be the equivalent of the oxygen here on earth.

Everything that exists on the other side is a part of that vibrating loving-substance. It sparkles as if a trillion polished quartz crystals are being reflected in a trillion glistening pools of water in the noon day sun.

They say that waking up over there is more of an alive feeling and more of a reality than being alive here on earth. The colors are better…the smells are better…the tastes are better; they even say that their senses are inter-changeable.

For instance they can smell with their ears, and taste with their nose and so on.

They can instantly manifest what they desire; speak telepathically; go where-ever they want to go with only a thought, and be in more than one place at a time. And, the list goes on and on.

Time as we know it does not exist on that side. All that being said – NDEs realize while in heaven … that the beauty of things here on earth, such as holding hands with your lover or child, the smell of a newborn, eating ice cream, feeling a warm gentle breeze on your cheek…are all specifically earthbound experiences and are all breathtaking and worth our stay here.

A key is to practice gratitude for all of these things while here on earth. This practice will prepare you to enter the other side without harsh self- judgment.

Heaven is filled with loving – gratitude, so if we practice that gratitude here first… we will be able to fully integrate when we go home to the other side.

Secret: 7 When You Die…You Take Your (Love) With You

There is a saying in the bible that states, “For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 1st.Timothy 6:7 ” (8) However…near death survivors’ have a slightly different take on that. They teach us that not only do we come from love, are made out of love, and return to love…but that we automatically take any love-experiences - we had on earth –with us to the other side. It is almost described as if it’s a collection of love, and the love we collected during our lifetime is ours to keep forever.

We also take our non-loving actions with us for self-review…but they will not hinder us from crossing over certain thresholds as long as we can forgive ourselves. We’ve learned that the more forgiveness-work you do in that regard before you die - for example not holding grudges, asking for forgiveness, forgiving others etc. - the easier your transition will be on the other side.

The advice is...clear away all the negative hurts now.

Secret: 6 We Are Made Out of Love and Light

Many times the thing that people see when they first cross over is complete blackness… but then they see a small sparkle of light…and to their surprise they find out that that sparkle of light is themselves. Their bodies are made out of love, light and energy.

They are still themselves - with all of their knowledge and memories - everything that makes them them…however they have light-bodies.

Next they see and recognize other light bodies all around them as entities who they know as family.

Ultimately they merge with an ocean of light that feels as if pure unconditional love.

Most people at that point - even admitted atheists – recognize that ocean of light as the unconditional love of God.

Secret: 5 If You Are Still Alive… You Have a Mission to Complete

Near death survivor's want us to know that if we are still alive…then we have a mission to complete.

We have people who we are yet to touch in a profound way. There are creations we have yet to create, situations that only we alone can orchestrate.

It is your job to listen to the subtle voices within - your intuition – and act on what resonates with you.
When you die…you are shown how it all fits together, and how without you the world wouldn’t have been or won’t be the same.

Secret: 4 Your Choices Energetically Affect Others

NDE’ers are taught on the other side that they are creative beings. Many of them are taught that they always had choices while alive - that they could have made differently - that would have changed everything for them and those around them at the time.

They find out that they had missed opportunities to love…while in reality they didn’t know that love had anything to do with it. They thought they were powerless.

But...we have free will at all times - because even if life seems restrictive in some ways – we are free in other ways.
For instance...we are always free in the way we look at situations. We are free in how we are going to react to them, or act on them.

With every choice we impact all of humanity through our thoughts, words, and actions. And this is true because we are made of energy that we are always emanating outwards…and that energy once emanated is a creation.

It goes on… and is either neutralized or enhanced as it advances through space and time. Remember, once created…energy cannot be destroyed…only transformed or transmuted.

Secret: 3 In That Realm We Are Home…In This Realm…We Are Visitors.

Many People who died and came back…admitted that they were truly at home on the other side. In heaven ...they felt as if they were the life of the party. They innately knew other beings elation at their homecoming.

It was reminiscent of having been away for a long time and… returning a hero.

On that side they remembered whom they really were…and why they had to come to earth in the first place. Many recalled universal knowledge and could not believe that they had forgotten it while alive on earth.

Some people could still recall bits and pieces of that knowledge (over time) when they returned here…but often forget some or most of it.

Overall…the feelings being expressed towards them from the beings in heaven were ones of unprecedented love, acceptance and joy at their homecoming... unconditional love for exactly who they were.

Many also realized that their stay here on earth went by fast – as if in a blink of an eye - yet was a very important experience for their soul growth; and they were sent back here because they had more work to do.

Secret: 2 Little Acts of Kindness…Are A Big Deal

Many NDEr's are startled when they find out that it was the little things they did while here on earth…that were considered the most spectacular of loving acts on the other side. Things such as helping someone cross a busy street, or visiting someone who was lonely.

Perhaps they just returned a baby bird to its nest or hugged someone while they were crying.

Maybe all they did was keep their mouth shut when they could have said something mean.

They are literally shocked when they find out how important those seemingly little acts were. They had no idea at the time that small acts of kindness would change the whole trajectory of those other beings lives for the better!

At the same time...the things that they thought were important in life…such a working their way up the corporate ladder, earning a college degree, becoming a millionaire, winning awards and prestige etc. did not seem at all important on the other side. And..all these realizations were a real eye opener for them upon returning to this earth plane.

Secret: 1 The Only Thing That Matters is Love

Nde Survivor’s say that when you get to heaven you find out that God is made of 100% pure unconditional love; a love so strong that it is hard for them to even explain it in words.

They often say that the love we have here on earth…vastly pales in comparison.

Many reveal that we are made out of this same love.

When survivors return to earth after experiencing that caliber of love in heaven…they are often depressed and desperately craving to emulate that feeling again.

The only thing that seems to help is gratitude...as well as giving and receiving forms of love whenever and wherever they can …including to and from plants and animals.

Meditation and listening to their inner guidance seems to help them... as well as spending time in nature.

Some seek shamanic advice.

Upon return…many of them open themselves up to humor, their own talents, and to their communities. They learn to lighten up and not take life so seriously…realizing that life is supposed to be fun and to be enjoyed.

Their message?

Enjoy the ride, and prepare for an even better one when you die!

Written by,
Dannie Duncan (Author of, You Will Be OK, I Promise; A Uniquely Helpful Guidebook) Available on Amazon
Listen to my personal near death experience on YouTube here:

(Link 1) http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/Research/Research_Overview_Right.htm#LiA015
(Link 2) Grimes, Roberta. The Fun of Dying (Kindle Locations 1303-1305). Greater Reality Publications. Kindle Edition. http://www.funofdying.com
(Link 3) Grimes, Roberta. The Fun of Dying (Kindle Locations 1294-1296). Greater Reality Publications. Kindle Edition. http://www.funofdying.com
(Link 4) http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/Articles/meaning_of_nde100905.htm
(Link 5) http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/Articles/meaning_of_nde100905.htm
(Link 6 – quote and general info/para-phrasing) http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/Research/purpose_lifereview.htm
(Link 7) http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/Research/purpose_lifereview.htm
(Link 8) http://biblehub.com/1_timothy/6-7.htm


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