Why you should invest in NBAI ??

in #nbai6 years ago

Official page

Powerful technology. A Paradise for developers

Thanks to the platform Nebula AI, for developers open tremendous opportunities, namely, they will be able to create and run their own applications based on artificial intelligence. The main advantage of this site is that it works together with blockchain technologies, and this fact already indicates a huge security. Now, other alternative traditional methods of interaction with application providers will be a thing of the past.

NBAI's internal Fund will provide companies and individuals with numerous services and various intellectual resources, which are based on a large number of laboratory studies. To date, several applications have already been developed, such as DAI, Quant AI, Biomed AI and even there are applications that extract information from written text. What does the Foundation do? It develops and implements customized solutions for companies and thereby scales its production network.

The main mission of this platform is to use blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to the full extent and thus create more and more new business networks, only at a new level, where trust and transparency will dominate. Those companies that are actively involved in this process are doomed to success, as the work on the part of NBAI, based on numerous experiments.

Peculiar properties

The difference between NBAI and other similar projects is that The Fund offers ready-made solutions for customers on the implementation of artificial intelligence in their business.

How it happens?? For example, a company wants to optimize its processes, it provides us with its data, after which our specialists support custom solutions. Further, the ready-made application with the use of artificial intelligence, users can get at any time.

Nebula AI platform consultants help businesses and organizations to determine the specific type of AI implementation solution in their processes. Also, in the early stages of all work necessarily accompanied by the team to finally come to a result in matters of compatibility.

What will customers get in the end, using AI technology?? The answer is simple, their business will significantly reduce costs and improve the entire commercial model as a whole, which will greatly affect the efficiency and speed of work.

Speaking of cost reduction, the NBAI is able to reduce costs as much as up to 70% and at the same time unite millions of nodes in a single network. From a security point of view, NBAI offers a distributed and, of course, decentralized way of data and resources transfer without compromising the privacy and ownership of its own IP address. All agreements come from the terms of smart contracts, which greatly reinforces trust.

Half of the implemented difficult way - the key to great success

We remind you that in the first quarter of 2017, the concept was developed, various studies and research in the field of HYPERLEDGER were conducted

In the third quarter of 2017, we developed an application Quant-AI DAI and conceptual prototype.

In the first quarter, the active sale of tokens began, and speaking about the test chain Helix, it even went on the air. Imagine how wonderful that is.

Now we are seeing a mainstreaming of the Helix to the public. Work is also underway to integrate the First Dai applications and the development of the Orion chain and its prototypes begins.

In the third quarter of 2019 will be the integration of the Orion circuit in the application DAI (Goal is 10 applications)

The goal in the first quarter of 2020 is to integrate into 50 DAI applicationsThe goal in the second quarter of 2020 is to integrate into 500 DAI applications

Regular events, where the NBA team is actively involved. These events include: StartUpFest in Montreal in 2018, and the 4th annual blockchain technology summit, presented by Coindesk, which took place on 14-16 may 2018 in new York. With all the information you can find in detail in official blog

Numerous partnership agreements

Behind the company are quite powerful developers and experts in the field of blockchain:

Charles CAO - CEO & Co-Founder
Qinhui LIN - Project Manager
Tengke XIONG - AI Architect
YanYan LI - CFO
Yanping LU - AI Architect
Lu YAO - AI Engineer
Tong PANG - Blockchain Developer
Kaichen ZHANG - AI Engineer
Ming YUE - AI Developer
Richard YAN - Senior Full Stack Developer
Alberto Lacerda - Front End Developer
Chi ZHANG - Blockchain Developer
Yue LI - Blockchain Developer
Hong PANG - Python Developer
Pin ZHOU - Software Developer
Yi Cao - AI Developer
Xiaojun WEN - Front End Developer
Sidi SHEN - UI Designer
Alecsa Tabisaura - UI Designer
Mable XU - Marketing Coordinator
Coco MA - Marketing Specialist
Ivan NONVEILLER - Marketing Analyst
Jessica Boxerman - Marketing Coordinator
Yan XU - Front End Developer
Carlos Gonzalez - Oliver Blockchain Developer

With each of them, you can find more information in White Paper

The most important thing is that the tokens are already on the exchanges and you can buy them

The development of the whole platform is based on a Protocol ERC-20 Tokens is tokens utilities, intended for optimization of business. The ICO program was quite successful and has already been completed. All assets are demonstrated in Coinmarketcup, therefore, if you have not bought these tokens yet, then hurry up now a very profitable entry into the market.

The NBA token is already trading on four exchanges.
In the future, the listing will only expand!At the time of this writing:
Total capitalization = $ 515 3 158
Daily trading volume = $ 29 776

Official resources:

NBAI Foundation - https://nbai.io
Website -
White paper -
Twitter -
Facebook -
GitHub -
Telegram -
Linkedin -

Author BTT - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1731968 


The team has many plans

Half of the implemented difficult way - the key to great success

the same type of project, I doubt, but good luck and thank the author

Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.030
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50