NAV Coin Private Send gets an Upgrade - Anonymous ICO's are Coming!

in #navcoin7 years ago


Not Truly Anonymous? ... PATCHED!

I never shared this much in my videos on NAV Coin, but based on some slack channel discussions, I had been concerned in the past about how truly anonymous NAV Coin actually was for private sending. I did know that the developers were aware of their issues of not being truly 100% anonymous, only theoretically anonymous. I also knew they planned on fixing this at some point in the future.

A statement I heard some months ago was, "You could infer that A sent to B, but you could not prove it." The idea of inference bothered me, though, because it is not really private if people can infer how a private send transaction worked.

NavTech 1.2 solved this issue to a certain degree, and NAV may be becoming the best privacy technology at this point when future upgrades hit.

Monero uses ring signatures, however, these are not so great because any individual looking at ring signature would be able to pin down a list of candidates for who actually sent the transaction. It is a clunky methodology. ZCash requires we trust the original authors to not have put a backdoor into their encryption permitting them to print infinite coins.

What I am seeing from NAV, I prefer now as an anonymization mechanism.

The concepts of obsufucation they have implemented in NAVTech 1.2 are as follows:

  • Split up a private-send transaction into chunks, send those chunks over different blocks... this should not slow down payments dramatically because NAV already operates on 30 second block times
  • Encrypted private send transaction sent to special NAVTech server, only that server can read the message, they decrypt the key that the funds are being sent to. That NAVTech server sends a message to another NAVTech server, telling that server to release funds from their pool of funds to the destination address, using the above obfuscation
  • Random private data is embedded into normal transactions, creating false network traffic, making pinning down real anonymous transactions more difficult

Future upgrades to improve this further may be:

  • Dummy transactions
  • Multiple wallets for the receiving address, making matching funds much more difficult
  • Every wallet becomes a NAV Tech server for private send

Read full details here on NAV's anonymous approach:

Anonymous Smart Contracts

The nice thing about this methodology is it will still make it easy for future smart contracting to be anonymous. The dual chain just makes anonymous dapps simple!

A smart contract is simply run through an address, and perhaps the contract author specifies all funds sent be processed anonymously. This means, the NAV Tech layer would be the only layer sending in the funds to the smart contract. This layer would mask who sent the funds, and it may also split those funds up significantly across different blocks if possible, as it sends to the contract address.

With enough obfuscation, it will simply be anonymous because no one could figure out who is sending to who.

Anonymous ICO's

As the SEC may regulate cryptocurrency markets in the future, there will certainly be high demand for not showing up on their radar. It may be that some projects prefer raising funds anonymously in their ICO.

Imagine an ICO where no one can prove a US investor participated. Imagine an ICO where no one can prove where the funds are being sent and held?

Anonymous smart contracts hold potential. NAV is cheap, especially if we see them corner the market in this area.


From their Slack channel. Polymorph and NavPay mobile/web wallet will be released next week! The wallets will include the anonymous selection feature, too!

Screen Shot 2017-08-30 at 7.01.13 AM.png

nice research!

This is really interesting and thank you for the NAV update. I'm portfolio is currently pretty bland as I'm sticking to what I feel I have a good understanding of and know pretty well. I definitely see great value in a coin that provides true discreet transactions, as they're will always be a demand for such features. I'll definitely look more into NAV coin and look forward to more of your commentary on the subject.

Today i saw you on i follow and resteem your of luck.and upvote my comment

@crypto-investor , what do you think about Etherparty ICO?
They seem to have a working product as well but not too much on the marketing side.

Your insight is spot on, time and time again. Reading your posts has become part of my daily routine :)

Signed up to steem to ask if you heard about the Iconomi platform and the digital asset arrays it offers (similar to Shapeshift's upcoming Prism) and what your take is on it? Thanks.

Seeing as you are invested in both Dash and NAV, what are your thoughts on Dash Private Send functionality vs. NavTech? They appear to solve the same problem do they not?

I'd like to understand Dash's private send better... how private ect. before I could compare the two.

I actually like Dash for other reasons besides privacy, but the privacy function is an added bonus for their coin. It is kind of a necessary thing in the future. Reserve coins like BTC which may trade at 10k, probably wont be used by every day people due to fees anyway. Wouldn't matter much if BTC is private. Every day transactions need it though, because in the future, people may be able to pin down addresses to people very easily, and then we'll have websites where you type in people's names to pull up their finances. Privacy will be required then.

I should have bought more at 6k sats, it is soon going to be 10usd

@vegeto Theres going to be a lot of corrections on the road to $10 if it gets there (and I hope it does).. it takes a lot of will power to sell when a coin breaks out like NAV just did esp when your an early investor ($0.10-0.30 range).

In the end you should not take big profits for granted and cash out like TED did, if only to cover your initial stake. Exemplar money management.

actually i took out my initial investment at 35k sats

totally Anonymous

NAV Coin is a very Strong ico !!
thank you @crypto-investor

Nice information in coins in the bast post

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