
Oh no rush at all, I just think they'd be amazing to see if you'd like to share them. : )

Also, I'm just wondering when prizes are deposited? I'm new to all this and I don't know how it works : )

I send the prizes daily as soon as the post pays out. So today I am sending the Simple Sunday from week 1 (which paid out today). You can see some of the process in my wallet. :)

I don't need to check your wallet : ) That's all good, I'm just trying to understand how it all works. I've only been on here for a few weeks, it's a lot to understand! I still don't know what half of the things are in my wallet or what to do with them! Lol : )

I appreciate your help to understand! : )

Haha, oh no, it's fine, the wallet is public, hehe I just meant as in to see how it works. Anyway, hope you have more clarity. :)

Hahhaa... yes, no.... maybe! Lol :D
I'm slowly catching on. But no I understood what you said... that makes complete sense! Thank you : )

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