in #nature8 years ago (edited)


This place is the most tourist spots frequented by tourists both local and outside. The forest is filled with mangrove vegetation that grows with your own. The Government made changes to these places by making transportation easy for tourists is so easy to achieve. This place is very crowded on holidays especially Sunday. To visit this place, every tourist who comes to have to pay the entrance fee Rp. 5000 – Rp. 10,000 per person. Every year increase in repair places and other facilities continue to be undertaken by the Government of the city of langsa. The unique thing is that you will find is a lot of monkeys wandering around this mangroves that interferes with every tourist who brought food. The monkeys just want food that is carried by every traveler but not hurt tourists. This thing that makes tourists interested in seeing the beauty of nature in this forest. 


 In accordance with the name of this place, is a tourist location protected forest preserved by the Government to maintain the stability of langsa air existing in the city. Because the forests are the lungs of the world so the Government city of langsa would like to invite people tokeep forests as ecosystems are most important in life. In the area of HUTAN LINDUNG, there is a wide variety of plants are preserved. I also don't understand the type of plants will, but at least will add tomy knowledge of plants in the forest and makes me comfortable with a very cool weather in the Woods. In the forested areas is not onlyserves about forest plants, but also tour a Zoo, play water for family and RUMOH ADAT ACEH, built by the City Government of langsa, aceh custom sustainability will be. 


 This place is filled with small restaurants serving a variety of food menus. The food provided is very various, varied food and drinks make tourists come to buy food menu is confused because the round is surrounded by small restaurants make every tourist's eyes enthralled with a variety of cooking activity by any chef. I recommend this place foryour visit with a different nuance from other restaurants. 


 The Café is a very unique and beautiful. Its location is on top of the water flow of the River to make tourists coming will feel comfort with their families. tourists who come to this place can take their fishing rods for fishing tools in the flow of the river. There are no restrictions for fishing at this location, please invite your entire family to come here. At the café also offers a menu of seafood that you can purchase at an affordable price. The price of food at the café is also diverse, yet still affordable by all travelers. If you are interested visit this place, immediately take your family on a vacation to the floating café. 


 Actually this is the port for the transport of goods from other regions and as a stopover to get through to the island community for PUSONG. But many tourists also came to the port since the Government allowed the langsa to tourists who come to visit this port. Every tourist has to pay an entrance fee of Rp. 2000 and you can enjoy natural beauty around the harbour. Around the port of many citizenswho sold food and soft drinks. Most sellers make use this moment to take advantage with a lot of tourists coming, especially on any holidays this place is always filled with tourists from many regions.


 This swimming pool is a great place to play for local tourist town of langsa. Each holiday in this bustling place visited by the public. If you are tired of being at home, should you feel the water games that can make you comfortable and eliminate stress resulting from work. The pool is well managed by the owner. The building of the pool is still looking good. To be able to enter these places every tourist has to pay Rp. 20,000 per person. Soon visit these places with your family.


 This place is a garden for the ceremony of the Government, but because it is an spacious garden, partially masyarakan langsa utilize thismoment to sell around this place. Each afternoon, this place is alwaysfilled by the seller of food and drinks. So interest me to try to buy food which is sold around the location. Taste delicious food and cheap prices you can get at this place. Akivitas community that is here can eliminate the burden of your mind and can make comfortable. 

The shared experiences today about 7 ATTRACTIONS LANGSA YOU SHOULD know. Hopefully with this article can add to the knowledge of the member steemit to continue a visit to this area. 

always upvotemy articles and follow me @zulmirita


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Sang droneuh hana meuphoem peu yang ka tapeugah beuklam.
Gata ka tapeurhet reputasi Aceh, geutanyoe kana Tagging utk Aceh, kamoe ka hek peujuang dari awai, bek sampe gara2 ureung lage droneuh gadeh tagging Aceh.

I am so sorry for you all here. I will not do it again in the future time. I am a newbie here. Forgive me for all my mistaken, if you want, you can delete my post.

Ka deulete keudro keuh, kaleuh tapeugah beuklam, nje rencana plagiat beh boh taging #aceh
lage tapeugah ngen itangen ijak aju hana ideungo.

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