The Evergreen Oak Encounter and why you should hug a tree!

in #nature5 years ago (edited)

Have you ever hugged a tree? Does it sounds too hippy? Let me tell you what you're missing ;-) and most importantly HOW IT WORKS

One week ago me and @hedac went out like we do almost every single weekend. A lovely early Spring day, a field full of blooms and there a glorious Evergreen tree all lush green already. It stood out as "King of the Hill" and so I hugged it... I tried to post this for #treetuesday but I am failing at deadlines so here it is :)

A manificent tree: The Holm Tree

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Quercus ilex is also known as "Evergreen Oak" Holly oak or Holm (ancient for "Holy") Oak. They grow typically in the Mediterranean and are quite large in size. This particular one stood in the middle of a field, all crowned in green while the oak trees around it were barely budding their new leaves. That green has endured Winter and it almost felt like a "flash forward" into Summer Green.

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Above me by the Holm tree so you can see its size for comparison

I am a tree-hugger

This term is mostly used as a slang for environmentalists, sometimes to mock those "hippy Nature Worshippers" a group I kind of include myself in ;-) so proudly.

But I do hug trees regularly and believe me, it works....

I have covered in previous posts the benefits of "Forest Bathing" ( original Japanese term “Shinrin-yoku” ). This is a practise that help you soothe your stress, relax, awaken your awareness and your senses. And it's been proved to be a healing therapy for very stressed workers in Japan that then spread as common practise throughout the world.
The essential oils (Phytoncids) are antimicrobial volatile organic compounds) emanated by plants and trees also act as a calming balm helping to decrease stress, tension, anxiety and anger.
Also trees help to block EMF radiation. What's not to like?

I also go to the woods to let my "burdens" go... trees are good listeners, they don't judge, you can whisper your secrets, and it will rustle back to you... It is a stress relief experience that boosts your self confidence and ease the burden of unspoken words. That is why I go so often, get barefoot and laugh, and cry and sing... I LET GO


In my local forests leaves are starting to unfold.

Why hugging a tree does work? The answer is in the hormones

Ok, Ok, Pris... this is all too Fairy New Age for me...
And it's true, I love fantasy and I am very spiritual, but also very down to Earth so let me tell you scientifically, hugging a tree will increase your levels of oxytocin hormone which is responsible for making you feel calm and at peace as it counteracts the effects of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide normally produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary. It also provides a sense of "connection and bonding" and it has been proved to affect social behaviour in humans. It really makes you want to "cuddle" literally. Scientists first found it in mothers during childbirth and breastfeeding. It also makes our "love" loyal and our behaviour cooperative in groups.
That is why it is also called the "love hormone"

If you don't believe me, just try it...
And the more you do, the easier it becomes to "connect"

So mystically or scientifically there is a "feeling" a "vibe", an invigorating Energy when you hug a tree...

All in all, and even devoid of the beautiful mysticism (which for me enhances the experience even more) hugging a tree is really good for you and maybe not such a crazy thing to do ;-).

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Above: me hugging an Oak a fellow Oak awakening from Winter some weeks ago

And remember trees don't judge!

A note to my friends here and what's to come! :)

Note: Thanks very much to all my Steemian friends worried about me being gone... I'm fine :) (not gone at all) though I've been working in things that needed tending to... As reward I must advance there is something very special coming out in two days from now ;) wink wink!

Here a Sneak Peak! New Single and Video is on the way! Remember when I won @openmic with an acoustic version of my song "Flame"? Well it has now a brand new recording, NewFolk production and a very vibrant and red video :)


Above: Definite cover of my single FLAME that will be released officially 19th of April. Do you use SPOTIFY? I'll be grateful if you add the song to your playlists once released, not all my music is there, but there is great part of it :)

Priscilla Hernandez MUSIC on SPOTIFY

But meanwhile I thought you could do with a shorter and simpler post about a moment that made me happy :). And take my word for it... if you are stressed, go out, HUG A TREE! :)

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator


this is just what i needed today!! i will quest into the outside world to find hug worthy trees and fascinating wonders :)

Aww go for it. And well sometimes I hug trees that are not so magnificent and just feel gappy of having noticed them. Thanks for reading dear

i hug trees that look like they really need it.
and some dead ones too, to thank them for their beauty

dying (and dead trees) also have a purpose, that looks like a little fairy door there, I just read it was your birthday! :) cong-rats!

I took a deeper look at "Forest Bathing" after your post and sure enough, there's some science that's been done about it. It even came up in a podcast I was listening to the other day, and i was like "I've heard of that!" haha. - I found the essential oils released by the trees fascinating.

Yes, apparently this overstressed generation of Japanese are turning to this traditional way of distressing more and more these days.

Tree hugging is a pretty awesome pastime... and I'm not even sure you have to be all over-the-top New Age-y to enjoy hugging trees! They have such ancient steady Earth energy... it's very calming!


Yes, I make kind of quiet music but I don't consider myself a "New Age" person just a very spiritual with Nature person, but the point of the article is that everyone can enjoy it, and I think it does best in stoic stressed people, so encouraging to give a try :)

Also because trees are rooted in the ground, you will get a flow of negative ions, helping dispel toxins from your body and grounding you, I can also tell you that a tin foil hat acts as a faraday cage, preventing harmful EMF radiation, or am I going too far ? Maybe but it's true ! Lol :)

Oh no I was about to mention myself, article is kind of a free write but may edit, slso @adetorrent mention the oils which is also true as well
Glad to see fellow tree huggers

Holm Tree :O Holy oaks! So beautiful~ I can feel its energies, its calmness, and its wisdom! I don't really hug trees except the gum tree in my backyard because I am a bit inhibited as a person .... aaah .... But Priscilla is always showing how open and wonderful we can be when we are closer to nature :) Mmm yes, I will try to hug trees the next time I am feeling down, for sure <3

Do something for me, hold it tight, and "let got" you tell me afterwards if you get fuzzy feeling :) I do in the forest, I'm kind of an introvert myself sometimes (despite it looks teh contrary)

Oh yes, I DEFINITELY hug trees @yidneth I'd not say I'm a hippy, but I am a gardener and lover of plants and trees. I often stop and touch trees on walks in our woods or I'll be intrigued by a little succulent growing wild on our beaches and I'll even take it up and move it to my garden to see if it likes the view. I've had some great success with that.

All our trees are special and when I add a new one, it's like "Welcome to the family" :)

Your music is like the singing of trees and wind and sea, very ethereal. I wonder what the language of trees sounds like?

Oh I'm not a "hippy" either, though due to my pixie way of dressing and rather spiritual with Nature ways I'm often called that way mockingly XD. I'm just a person that can help but to stop when seeing a bloom or a mushroom and I do feel the urge to walk barefoot on moss and sing to the birds... :)

In my song "Grow" I talk about the voice of the trees

a rustling voice that seems to speak
words sounds like rain unwinding leaves
now it's time to grow all green

So I guess it's kind of a whisper, a rustle in Summer, maybe a muted creak in Winter.

I find it very relaxing though. As I say trees don't judge they are good confidents

Thaks always for your sweet encouragement and thoughtful messages they mean a lot to me :) I too admire your talent.

pd I have a baby oak grown from an acorn, he's three years now I don't have a yard so still in a big big pot but hope I can find a home and a piece of land so we can grow together.

What a magical thing @yidneth to have that oak from an acorn. "Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow" or so they say.

When you find your perfect place how grounded you shall feel when you place your loving "tree child" in the ground to spread it's roots deep into the earth. And with that so too shall you leave a bit of you to grow and change with the aging of the tree and the world in which it grows.

It even has a name Suuri Tammi (that means big Oak) because one day it will :)

I have climbed up a few trees over the years. And hugged quite a few in a vain effort to stop myself falling out. But I have never felt the urge to walk up to one and give it a hug - maybe I’m missing out one something.

Now I know @saffisara is a tree hugger, and a napper under trees too - it makes me wonder if her snoring helps promote tree growth!

Posted using Partiko iOS

hahahah I somehow imagined that happening in kind of a cartoon :) well gooooo and try it, tight and long hug, just let go, you'll know It's true :) who knows maybe even will grow a liking for.... trees LOL

Hugged a few to prevent yourself from falling down? 😂😂 Hahaha
I've done that myself but somehow hearing you say it just cracks me up.

And hey... I might nap under my tree but I really hope I don't snore 🙈😜 lol
Might scare the wildlife of.. Hehe
Promote the growth.. Now that's a thought, just don't think snoring does it.... Lol
🤗🤗🤗 I'm a coffe hugger to do brace yourself my friend 🤗🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

awww fellow tree hugger, but we´ll convince him to try :)

Yes we will convince him to give it a try... We can always say it grows nuts on it and trust me he won't be able to resist 😂😂 hahaha

Posted using Partiko Android

I have Hugged a tree or more in my life and I know what you mean 😊 for me that special tree is my big oaktree that as @c0ff33a mentioned is my nap tree as I fall asleep under it in the summer... Lol
That tree gives me peace and it's my happy Place. Sitting under it and close my eyes makes all worries seem small and it fills my heart with fresh air and smiles 😊
Sounds goofy I know but there is no place like nature when it comes to healing the heart and soul.

Just like your voice and music ❤️
Thank you for sharing this and I'm with you on the magic of trees!
Much Love! 🤗💕💖

Posted using Partiko Android

Great read. Thanks for linking me to it. I love finding the bridges between the mystical and the scientific. :) Reminds me of one of my favorite videos explaining love. :)

Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you found it an interesting read even if the post is already an old one :). That's me I can go hiking dressed in medieval elven garments but I wear practical hiking boots :) I mean I love fantasy and all but my mind was wired in an 8 years science degree (I'm a former biologist gone artist) But well what trascends, hopefully is that sometimes we need to "slow down". We live in the era of anxiety and stress and both take a great physical toll in our bodies, but sometimes we get the signals, insomnia, heartburn, tinnitus and we keep on ignoring it until we end up with a serious issue in our hands. About love, many articles say big burst of chemicals is temporary but I'm been with the same partner for 16 years and still very much in love :) have bookmarked to watch later :) I like to watch videos as I lunch :) Best regards!

15 years in love for me as well. It's good stuff. :)

You have a lovely family. :)
Yes I think enduring love is the most romantic of them all :) and thus for me it kind of "renews" under that premise, also even with the animal companions that I've had, now they're gone but that is still in my heart... kind of like it to be that way :). Best wishes to you and yours!


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