Honey mushrooms

in #nature8 years ago

I published photos of poisonous mushrooms that look like honey mushrooms last time. Now get true picture honey mushrooms. 

Минулого разу я опублікував фото отруйних грибів, схожих на опеньки.  Тепер тримайте фото справжніх опеньків. 

These amazing mushrooms grow in colonies. Find it - a real treasure.

Ці дивовижні гриби ростуть  колоніями, знайти таку - це справжній скарб.


Cool, I saw some mushrooms a while back, growing ihigh up a tree in colonies like that . It is like a city for fairies :D

really in such cold weather to grow mushrooms?

There are times that honey mushrooms grow after snow

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