
in #nature7 years ago

I noticed one thing. The bigger followers I have, the less votes get my posts. Why is that? I have a photoblog, publish mostly different picture of nature, flowers, mushrooms, and sometimes food. I also like to share photos with different interestings of my hometown. Therefore my followers, watching me, waiting to similar posts. And do not vote for them. I'm not am following a large number of people, but I like their articles, so I vote for them, certainly not for all, but most. One thought scares me - really, when I will have 300 followers, no one will vote for me? 

Sorry for my imperfect English.

Now can be viewed the pictures:) Thank you!

Я помітив одну річ. Чим більше в мене підписників, тим менше голосів отримують мої пости. З чим це пов'язано? Я веду фотоблог, публікую в основному різні фото природи, квітів, грибів, інколи їжі. Також я люблю ділитися фото із різними цікавинками мого рідного міста. Тому мої підписники, стежачи за мною, очікують подібних постів. І не голосують за них. Я не стежу за великою кількістю людей, але мені подобаються їхні статті, тому я за них голосую, звісно не за всі, але більшість. Мене лякає одна думка - невже, коли в мене буде 300 підписників, ніхто не голосуватиме за мене?
А тепер можна переглянути фотографії :) Дякую!


Great pics of chamomile.

Beautiful photos of daisies, as always professional! I think that the number of followers has little effect on the number of votes received for. I have more followers than you, but the number of votes is about the same as yours. Now Steemit has many new people and basically they follow the whales and dolphins, and the rest as lucky. In particular, worried that the new Steemians not want to read or viewed, so it appears that few views. I noticed that bots do not vote now, just as active as before. Will it be better, time will tell!

Indeed, perhaps you are right at the expense of bots. Simply publishing quality photos, want more tangible rewards

Yes, I agree - quality photos, want more tangible rewards

I notice that more followers don't means to have more upvotes for post, now I have more than 500 followers, but just an average of 50-60 upvotes for post (the same number that I had 2 months ago with about 250 followers). Honestly I don't know why. :(

Ps: I love your photos ^_^

Thank you for your the answer!

I see the same thing... 300 followers and only around 60 votes coming in...

Your photos are made very professionally, it's surprising

Your flowers are gorgeous and I vote for you!

I know this and I am grateful! Your picture is also very good and I vote for them.

so wonderful flower shots my friend!! gerat work

thank you!

Деякі будуть :)
Вже є поціновувачі творчості :)))

Дякую! Матиму на увазі!)

Same thing here, 200 followers, only a handful votes :(

I do not understand this, can just reduce the power of the voice, if not enough for all

Very colourful pictures. Well done.

thank you!

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