Love of Nature!

in #nature3 days ago

Ahmet was a young man who loved nature. On weekends, he usually went for walks in the forest near his village. One day, he decided to take a different path from his usual one. As he ventured deeper into the forest, he came across an old cabin. The cabin was worn down by time but still standing.

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Curious, he knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside. He gently pushed the door open and stepped in. Inside, he found old photographs hanging on the walls, dusty shelves, and a notebook on a table. The notebook was filled with stories written by the previous owner. As Ahmet flipped through the pages, he noticed that every story ended with the same sentence: "To truly live, one must start by dreaming."

That sentence deeply resonated with Ahmet, making him reflect on his own dreams. At that moment, he envisioned living a life in nature, growing his own fruits and vegetables. This thought profoundly affected him, and he decided to make a change in his life.

When he returned to the village, he shared his plans with his family. With their support, he bought an old farmhouse and began to organize its garden. Over time, he started growing his own fruits and vegetables and began living a life intertwined with nature.

Every day, Ahmet remembered that sentence and followed his dreams, eventually leading a happy life. He understood that to truly live, one must start by dreaming.

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