in #nature7 years ago

Einstein tells us that nothing can move through space time faster than the speed of light. This is disappointing news as even our closest start (the sun) is around 8 light minutes away and the next closest start is around 10 light years away!  

However, what if I told there you that through clever solutions to Einstein's general relatively filed equations it may be possible for a spacecraft to achieve speeds far exceeding our cosmic speed limit! 

Welcome to the warp drive 

In simple terms a warp drive spaceship can be thought of as a spaceship which can travel faster than the speed of light. This is because although nothing can move through space faster than the speed of light, there is no limit on the speed on two separate patches of space-time. This may seem strange but it should be understood that due to the expansion of space-time distant galaxies are moving further apart from one another at a rate faster than light speed. Also, below the event horizon of a black hole space-time cascades towards a central singularity faster than light, carrying light and matter and everything else with it. The space-time around and within a black hole is predicted by solving Einsteins field equations around a point of extreme positive energy. Basically, mass and energy tell us the extent to which space-time will warp.

The famous mathematician Miguel Alcubierre developed a space-time description, a "metic tensor"  that describes a volume of flat space-time enclosed in a bubble of extreme curvature.  A pinching or warping of space-time in the surrounding shell that causes space to expand behind and contract in front of the bubble. As a result the machine is pushed and pulled by space-time its self, moving at speeds only limited intensity of the warp. 

This concept machine could reach speeds far greater than that of light speed, however it required a configurable energy-density field lower than that of a vacuum  - that is to say negative mass must be created. A lot of negative mass.. Meguel proposed that the mass-energy equivalent of the entire universe would be needed to power his machine... talk about impractical..

A couple of years ago up until now, a number of scientists at NASA have been working on reducing the warp drives energy requirement. As it turns out, by rapidly oscillating the warp field one may be able to soften the fabric of space-time via higher dimensional effects. Literally, a hyper space warp drive. By shrinking down the warp bubble while expanding the internal volume to get us down to potentially not even needing negative mass anymore as quantum scale manipulations of the vacuum energy through the Casimir effect might be enough.  


Contrary to popular belief, scientific progress requires a relatively significant amount of time. There are still a great number of questions left to be answered on how to build and more importantly operate a true warp drive. Just to name a few; how would you slow such a machine down? What would you make the machine out of? How is the most effective way of oscillating the warp field?  

Fortunately there are a lot of intelligent people working on this project and with a lot of work and some luck we can turn science fiction into science fact!! 

If you are interested and want to learn more then check out my references! 


Alcubierre 1994 http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0009013  

Krasnikov 1995 http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9511068  

Van Den Broeck 1999 http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9906050 

Krasnikov 2002 http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0207057  

Harold White, Warp Field Mechanics 101 http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/cas...  

Harold White, Warp Field Mechanics 102 http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/cas...


resteemeed your post

Thankyou so much!!

Thankyou so much!

Great post ! Love science posts

I have a question for you, I heard you can adjust your voting power less than 100% , how do you do that? Can you also vote more than 100% power ?


The option should appear when you hit the upvote button - there should be a bar and you should be able to adjust from 100%

good work

Nice job....

Thankyou :)

Great post ! Love science posts

I have a question for you, I heard you can adjust your voting power less than 100% , how do you do that? Can you also vote more than 100% power ?


You can only use up your full 100% - the more you vote the more this will go down, but it will go up again if you stop voting for a little while.

To adjust your voting power, when you press the upvote icon you should see a bar with a white circle at the end, if you press this circle and move it down then you can adjust your voting power to less than 100%

Thanks for the respond !

I dont see that upvote icon. According to quick google search, I should have 500 SP or more to see that icon.

Did that happen to you as well? Or you were always seeing it

hmm... no i always saw it.. are you on a phone? or computer?
It should just be a little arrow icon on the bottom left of the comment.

Sorry for the confusion, I see the upvote button, I just dont see this bar with a white circle at the end.
When I click the upvote button, it just upvotes :)

thats amazing nature best luck my friend.
carry on your activity..✌✌👌👌

Nice post :). The thought of being able to travel through space faster than the speed of light sends shivers down your spine. Thinking about travelling to distant Galaxies and discovering new worlds. It really engages your brain and your imagination.

It really does, makes the world seem so small :p

well they already exist you know they seem or are discovered 4 you u know its like when u play some mmorpg and its gives u that fancy music clip when u go 2 a new area like i think they had in world of warcraft. or when europeans went to the north america claming they had discovered it which is hairlious considering natives had lived there 4 thousands of years if not longer LOL
but yea i agree your race is going 2 become interstellar faster then many of you may realise. its gunna kickass baby!

believe what u want but some underground space programs on ur world have nearly unlimited budgets on your world like billions of dollars like the usa military even purposely made nearly $100 billion disappear from it's budget reports in in think either 2015 or 2016. you know such things are possible and not hard. other pepole know they been building em LOL

bashar from the essasani collective says the speed of light is not a barrier but more the barrier of your particular reality. you create it 2 be a barrier its just the same as when your race thought the speed of sound was a unbreakable barrier then broke it. or when trains exceded like 50mph and some thought was 2 fast and would make the whole train fall 2 pieces. u have a history of continouely breaking your your percieved current barriers of reality because u realise individually and collectively that they are not impossilbe so u go beyond them u will go this again! ther are no barriers unless u want 2 create them. only 1 i know of is not hurting other living beings which is a good 1 if u ask me karmas stuffs

very scientific post, i don't know about science more then.

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